Marijuana Vending Machines

Mister J

Enlightened to the Great Darkness
Staff member
Jul 23, 2005
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While there are obviously more complex issues related to this matter that could spark intelligent discussion, I just like focusing on all the unintentional comedy in this article so:
Mehdizadeh said he sought the advice of doctors, and decided to limit the amount of marijuana per user to an ounce per week. Each purchase from the machine yields 1/8th or 2/8th of an ounce. By eliminating a vendor behind the counter, he said, the machine offers users lower drug prices. The 1/8th ounce packet would cost about $40 — $20 lower than the average price at other dispensaries.
A man who said he has been authorized to use medical marijuana as part of his anger management therapy said the vending machine's security measures would at least protect against illicit use of the drug
"You have kids that want to get high and that's not what marijuana is for," Robert Miko said. "It's to medicate."
The guards better be armed. :lmao:
NICE!! I want access to one :(
god, that's awesome. Almost makes me want to move.

I'm curious what type though at $40 for an 8th.
They should have these around the world, but for everyone to access. :(
NICE!! I want access to one :(

god, that's awesome. Almost makes me want to move.

I'm curious what type though at $40 for an 8th.
Now see, you two characters are the type of people that the guy in the article was referring to. It's not for you to get high. It's to medicate, dammit! :nono:

Let's look beyond simple recreational usage, shall we? A guy has anger management issues, so they direct him towards the sticky icky? That's ingenious. If he's all toked up, I doubt he's likely to find himself in situations where he wants to go postal ...or anything else for that matter, with the possible exception of hitting the nearest Wendy's, Del Taco or In-N-Out Burger. I wonder if you can get a prescription for this stuff with a bad headache. Maybe a hangnail or persistent blue balling.:spidey:
Now see, you two characters are the type of people that the guy in the article was referring to. It's not for you to get high. It's to medicate, dammit! :nono:

I'm a sick, sick little man :(
Yeah me too, very sick, cough cough.... now give me some pot mutha@ucka!

^see rampant anger issues?^
How presumptuous of me. I apologize for my rush to judgment. :(

Somebody get these men a Cannabis Card, STAT! :up:
if it takes a card to access it I'm sure it'll be copied and distributed en mass very quickly
Good grief, why isn't this stuff legal yet??

What a stupid waste of taxpayer money in all respects, particularly when we send in the feds to confiscate something this benign. Of course, we all know they're not actually confiscating it...

I'm thinking in terms of the sheer marketing genius behind this idea. Imagine a vending machine full of pot brownies. People buy them, eat them and then get the munchies and they want something to eat, so what do they have immediate access for purchase for that purpose? That's right. More pot brownies. And the circle continues. Brilliant!

I'm thinking in terms of the sheer marketing genius behind this idea. Imagine a vending machine full of pot brownies. People buy them, eat them and then get the munchies and they want something to eat, so what do they have immediate access for purchase for that purpose? That's right. More pot brownies. And the circle continues. Brilliant!


I actually did this dumb **** one night. Talk about FUBAR...and not in a good way. :(
Good grief, why isn't this stuff legal yet??

What a stupid waste of taxpayer money in all respects, particularly when we send in the feds to confiscate something this benign. Of course, we all know they're not actually confiscating it...


I worked on the fire alarm system of a State Police Barracks. I had to install a strobe in the evidence room, a very small room with giant trash bags filled with pot. :csad: :ninja:
i just twisted my ankle... i need to get some marijuana medication dammit!! :cmad:

The Time I Quit, They Distribute This ****!! Grrrrrrr
This idea would never work with crystal meth.

Normal people are bad enough when their stuff is stuck in the machine, just imagine a junky pounding and crying against the case.

It'd be a little sad and a lotta funny.
Jesus, Flexo. :lmao:
I've been having migraine for a week, and also happen to have anger issues too
god, that's awesome. Almost makes me want to move.

I'm curious what type though at $40 for an 8th.

Or I could just continue to acquire mine illegally but for a fraction of the cost and blow my mind away at its superior quality compared to what I would assume to be an inferior product.

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