Metro 2033


Nov 29, 2009
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MGM Plans Film Version Of "Metro 2033"

By Garth Franklin
Thursday September 13th 2012 10:29PM
MGM has picked up the screen rights to Dmitri Glukhovsky's highly successful 2005 Russian sci-fi novel "Metro 2033" says Heat Vision.
Set in 2033 after a nuclear holocaust devastates Moscow and survivors head under ground, the story follows a young survivor who is forced to go on a journey that will see him deal with mutants, soldiers of a Fourth Reich and political factions of various metro stations in order to reach above ground.
F. Scott Frazier ("Line of Sight," "Day One") will adapt the script while Mark Johnson ("The Chronicles of Narnia" series, "Galaxy Quest") will produce along with Eugene Efuni and Marina Hall.
Western audiences will likely be most familiar with the property via the PC and X-Box 360 video game adaptation from 2010. A sequel to it is scheduled to hit next year.
I tried reading the book but although the concept was fantastic it wasn't very well written (that might be due to the translation though).

I played the game and again, I lost interest because it couldn't hook me in properly.

I hope if they make this movie they keep all the good ideas and take some liberties with the script to make it as a movie.
young survivor who is forced to go on a journey that will see him deal with mutants

"young survivor" and "him"!!!!
The only young russian actor I know about is Dmitry Martynov. Should he play the role?
Hmm, I'm only familiar with the video game (haven't read the book yet) but yeah, this does seem like a natural fit for a big-screen translation. I just hope they get the atmosphere right, since that's one of the aspects which the game truly shines.
This is one of the worst titles since BALLISTIC: ECKS VS SEVER.
A videogame is being made that's a follow-up to the original book. The original author also worked on it. I saw the behind closed door preview of it at E3. You play as the same protagonist from the first book.

Never heard the book, but it's got some dark and heady visuals. Really ominous and atmospheric.
De Luca To Produce "Metro 2033" Film

By Garth Franklin Monday March 14th 2016 10:00PM
Producers Michael De Luca and Stephen L'Heureux are teaming with author Dmitry Glukhovsky to develop a feature film based on the best-selling book series and video game franchise "Metro 2033" for Solipsist Film.
The story follows a young man named Artyom who survived World War III by hiding in Moscow's subway system, the world's largest existing nuclear fallout shelter.
It's in the maze of tunnels and stations that comprise the famous Moscow Metro that he and others build a new civilization and culture, mimicking the old world now gone.
Eugene Efuni, De Luca and L'Heureux will produce the film which Glukhovsky says he's aited a decade to find the right people to handle an adaptation. Now it seems he's found them.
Source: Variety

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