Microsoft toying with motion-sensitive controller


Aug 25, 2006
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After an erroneous rumor concerning an Xbox 360 motion-sensing controller prototype made the internet rounds yesterday (turns out it was a known Wiimote prototype), the folks at TeamXbox claim to know a little something something and – after said rumor made waves – felt compelled to share with us a little early. They said, " can confirm that Microsoft has been researching alternative input technologies for the last two years" including motion-sensing technology ala the Wiimote or Sixaxis.

They also note that Microsoft is specifically looking to improve the right-analog stick (request to MS: fix the D-pad while you're at it), and TeamXbox will "bring you a real list of next-generation Xbox controller prototypes soon." We skipped the previous rumor but since TeamXbox is putting their neck out on this one, we're inclined to give it a little more weight. We'll know if they're right soon enough.
Well the sixaxis is rubbish anyway, so using sony's influence would be a bad move. On the other hand the novelty of the Wiimote still has effect, but that's due to the specialised games designed for it. If Xbox were to implement a motion-sensitive controller they would need to see what stability it would have concerning its games, whether or not they will design specialty games such as wii sports or just implement into games that use directional controls.
Meh, Microsoft shouldn't worry about the analog stick. It's fine as it is. The only flaw that it has is a ******ed D-pad (understandable though since Nintendo and Sony own all the good patents concerning a D-pad).

And adding motion controls for a console that wasn't meant for it is kinda dumb too.
Bad idea. Microsoft kinda has their own thing going, playing to the action junkies and the occasional RPG fanatic. Their control suits those purposes just fine. Leave the blatant rip-offs to Sony.
Meh, Microsoft shouldn't worry about the analog stick. It's fine as it is. The only flaw that it has is a ******ed D-pad (understandable though since Nintendo and Sony own all the good patents concerning a D-pad).

And adding motion controls for a console that wasn't meant for it is kinda dumb too.
IA. The d-pad is one of the worst Ive seen on a console. Its absolutely useless for 2D fighting and classic gaming. Fortunetly for those, I have other options
lets not for get he controllers aren't really ergonomic(doesn't fit in your hands very well)
lets not for get he controllers aren't really ergonomic(doesn't fit in your hands very well)

Wait...the 360 controller? Or Sony's controller? I think the 360 is easily the most comfortable controller I've ever held, whereas I've always seriously disliked the dual analog.
Motion-sensitive or not, one thing is for sure, there will be plenty of new controller types in the near future.
Both MS and Sony have plenty of prototypes floating around.

My best bet, a future controller will be "break apart", i´m sure of it, which makes sense, being the best of two worlds.
Wait...the 360 controller? Or Sony's controller? I think the 360 is easily the most comfortable controller I've ever held, whereas I've always seriously disliked the dual analog.
it fits fine for me too. The only things I hate about it are the d-pad and the bumper buttons. Sony's designs beat it in those 2 departments. The 360 however is best when it comes to FPS
I will constantly praise the Xbox 360 controller for basically fixing all the problems the original Xbox controller had. The original was very uncomfortable to hold, while the 360 controller is very, very comfortable. The buttons feel better to press. And it really is a great controller for FPS games. As I said earlier you really can't blame Microsoft for having a s**tty D-pad when Sony and Nintendo have patents on the really good designs.

Unfortunately I still have to put Microsoft in last place in terms of controllers. The Wii Remote is just downright fantastic. And the Dual Shock 3 is going to pretty much be an improved version of the Dual Shock 2, which is one of the best controllers made.

The good news is that at least in this generationm all three systems have great controllers as opposed to last generation which had one great one (Playstation 2), one so-so one (Gamecube), and two terrible ones (Xbox and Dreamcast).
My biggest problem with the PS3 overall is the controller. I really, really don't see how people feel comfortable playing games with that. Not just FPS but just about any kind of game. The analog sticks are in such a position to where it doesn't feel like you have fluid control over anything. They're too close together. The 360 bumpers and L1, R1 buttons are basically a wash, I really don't see any advantage or edge with one of them over the other, but the triggers on the 360 are way better. But thats not even the problem, its just holding the sixaxis that seems awkward.

How the d-pad is doesn't really matter to me as I don't see the gaming market being flooded with 2-d fighters any time soon for any console really.
But what is the deal with the right analog stick? Seems perfectly fine to me.
But the most important thing is knowing that motion-sensoring is not a fad like many say, both Sony and MS want it.
I say that the Wii was the beging of many amazing things to come, and i say that those things will arrive sooner than we think.
It really doesn't matter if you just don't like Nintendo games.
My biggest problem with the PS3 overall is the controller. I really, really don't see how people feel comfortable playing games with that. Not just FPS but just about any kind of game. The analog sticks are in such a position to where it doesn't feel like you have fluid control over anything. They're too close together. The 360 bumpers and L1, R1 buttons are basically a wash, I really don't see any advantage or edge with one of them over the other, but the triggers on the 360 are way better. But thats not even the problem, its just holding the sixaxis that seems awkward.

How the d-pad is doesn't really matter to me as I don't see the gaming market being flooded with 2-d fighters any time soon for any console really.
But what is the deal with the right analog stick? Seems perfectly fine to me.
Ive been using the Sony design for nearly 10 years now. I dont find it awkard since its waht Ive been using for a decade. You get used to that. The people that complain about it not being comfortable, I wonder have they always hated the Sony design? The DS2 used to be hailed as the best controller ever made and I never saw too many issues with it from players. I have no issue with the analog sticks and find them to be very comfortable. The L1/R1 buttons are way more comortable on the PS3 controllers, than the LB/RB buttons on the 360. I cant describe it, bc they just are. It might be bc the 360's bumper buttons are to close to the left analog stick or maybe bc they feel so stiff compared to the PS3's buttons. Ive tried playing several different (non-FPS) games with both and in all, the Sony controller feels more comfortable for applications using those buttons

If I had one complaint about the PS3 controller and Ive only noticed it now playing CoD4 is the placement of the PS button. To sprint in that game, you must hold L3 and when I do, I often time accidently hit the PS button. This is the only time Ive ever had an issue with it and it would have been better had it not been so close to the analog sticks

My issue with the dpad is strictly for classic gaming. Stuff on XBLA and PC emulation. Not a big deal for current stuff
Ive been using the Sony design for nearly 10 years now. I dont find it awkard since its waht Ive been using for a decade. You get used to that. The people that complain about it not being comfortable, I wonder have they always hated the Sony design? The DS2 used to be hailed as the best controller ever made and I never saw too many issues with it from players. I have no issue with the analog sticks and find them to be very comfortable. The L1/R1 buttons are way more comortable on the PS3 controllers, than the LB/RB buttons on the 360. I cant describe it, bc they just are. It might be bc the 360's bumper buttons are to close to the left analog stick or maybe bc they feel so stiff compared to the PS3's buttons. Ive tried playing several different (non-FPS) games with both and in all, the Sony controller feels more comfortable for applications using those buttons

If I had one complaint about the PS3 controller and Ive only noticed it now playing CoD4 is the placement of the PS button. To sprint in that game, you must hold L3 and when I do, I often time accidently hit the PS button. This is the only time Ive ever had an issue with it and it would have been better had it not been so close to the analog sticks

My issue with the dpad is strictly for classic gaming. Stuff on XBLA and PC emulation. Not a big deal for current stuff

No I haven't always hated it. I had a PS1 (later in it's life cycle) and a PS2 when that first came out. For me, there wasn't really anything else. I'm not a Nintendo fan really at all. The controllers for the Playstation was just something I thought was the best available, and which it was at the time. That was until the Xbox released their smaller version of their controller. Up until then I still liked the dual shock better than the original Xbox controller. That original xbox controller really detracted from playing any game. In fact I didn't buy an Xbox until they released their improved controller. It was better and I was starting to notice I was having more fun playing multiplatform games on the Xbox not because of the improved graphics or performance , but more because of the control. It got to the point of where I basically stopped playing the PS2 altogether because of it.

By the time the 360 came around, it just perfected it with its changes to the point of where I really started realizing just how much more the feeling of control was with their set up of the analog sticks and buttons compared to the Dual Shock. After I saw that the SIXAXIS was basically the same thing as past dual shock versions as far as design goes, there was no turning back.
I even hated the redesign of the original Xbox controller. I'm really surprised that all it needed was a little tweaking and it ended up being an excellent controller.
I actually really liked the original Xbox controller.

Then again, I am 6'5''
I thought you were like 8' something, like some kind of blonde, non-virgin giant.

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