More Delux (AKA Superposeable) Buffy figs.


Aug 30, 2003
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Not that anyone here really seems to care. but Spike and Angel. Whoot. I hope these keep coming. Buffy and Faith rocked ass. These things do have interchangeable arms and removable jackets......If only they could make swappable heads. I mean I want a Vamped and un Vamped head for these guys without buying two figs.

It's gonna be a big decision to buy them Vampy or un Vampy version.

Oh well. Dammit guys. Start liking Buffy figs.
I never got into the show so its not gonna happen with the figs.

Sorry Rough.

Face it.
Heh. Don't kid yourself.

You'l be back in 3 minutes tops.
I never got into the show either and I couldn't take it seriously. I've watched/read some pretty over the top things but Angel? Damn...that crap was bad.
How was it bad??? I never knew much of his story
Just hard for me to take anyone serious when they're running around carrying medieval combat weapons in this modern day and age.
Saint553 said:
Just hard for me to take anyone serious when they're running around carrying medieval combat weapons in this modern day and age.
Ahh, but when facing off against demons, the old ways are best!
There. How long was that?

And I used to think Buffy sucked ass too. I always mude fin of my sister for watching it.....Then one day Season ! was on sale for like $15 and I was hooked. Within a couple weeks I has all 6 seasons of buffy and 4 seasons of angel that were out at the time and I watched Season 7 every week. It does rule.
Wow you're the FIRST PERSON I have ever seen that said Angel was bad. Not getting into it, ok, but saying it's a bad show is just pure insanity.

Anyway I love Buffy and Angel and collect all the figures. It's nice
to see that the license has been handed to someone who really appriciates it after the MAC debacle.

My fav figs so far? Illyria and Pylean Angel :D but the super poseable Buffy and Faith's were nice too. Shame we will never get the third series of Palz though :(

BTW Roughneck do you know when the doom figures are shipping?
hmmmmmm I thought they were gonna be released in conjunction with the DVD. But it looks like they weren't. I don't know, I guess, is what I am trying to say.
maybe the should have a buffy vs evil willow figure set
Assassin said:
you mean ppl care?
at least regarding the sesaon 6 willow-buffy duke out thr catfight aficianadoes [loke myself]would care
freddie is prob doing buffy right
Saint553 said:
Just hard for me to take anyone serious when they're running around carrying medieval combat weapons in this modern day and age.

Buffy the vampire Slayer.......2 Best ways to kill a Vampire? A Wooden Stake through the heart or cut off it's head. King of hard to cut off a head with a gun. It's explained why they rarely use guns. (though they do use guns) In Fact in Season 4 we first see the Initiative, which is an army like group that uses all kinds of modern weapons and tech to take on the demon forces.

And in Season 2 there is this evil Demon, the Judge, who claims that no Weapon can harm him......of course he's hundred and hundreds of years what do they do? They kill him with a rocket launcher.

Modern Weapons are used just not preffered....and It makes sense.

Blade can suck a hairy goat ball. He was only cool when he was joined by Whistler Jr and Hannibal King.

Buffy deluxe figs are the kicks. I heart the 12 in line better, though.
shadowcatII said:

Blade can suck a hairy goat ball. He was only cool when he was joined by Whistler Jr and Hannibal King.

Buffy deluxe figs are the kicks. I heart the 12 in line better, though.

You have bad taste. :o

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