new villains for The Batman

Silver Lantern

comic nerd
Aug 29, 2004
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After seeing the season and missing some of The Batman I been wondering when we will see the following villains

Mad Hatter
Cyborg Batman

If there is anyone or anything you want to add to this please do
After seeing the season and missing some of The Batman I been wondering when we will see the following villains

Mad Hatter
Cyborg Batman

If there is anyone or anything you want to add to this please do

First of all, Nightwing is not a villain, its the hero mantle Dick Grayson assumed when he stopped being robin. (sorry if that sounded arrogant - didn't mean it to)

Nightwing made his awesome appearance already in a future episode in season 4:


The scarecrow was off-limits to the show cause of batman begins...

and i'm not sure we will see the rest on your list because it is very likely that this is the shows last season!
wait...Cyborg Batman?
wait...Cyborg Batman?

I imagine he means the character from Batman: TAS. The computer based villian known as HARDAC creates robot copies of people and in later episode (entitled 'his silicon soul') we discover it had created one of batman...



Excellent episode BTW!!
Yeh, it's kinda too late for this now. They did have a design for Scarecrow, however.
there may be another future ep this season but none of the other characters are going to show up.
I can understand why they didn't use the Scarecrow for the first couple of seasons of the show, but it's been three years since Begins was released, I think they could lift the embargo now and let the producers of The Batman use him.
what was the future episode about?

Without any spoilers, it's an episode set in the year 3027, where future police officers explore the ancient Batcave, and learn from a story set in 2027 Gotham, featuring a DKR-inspired Batman, Nightwing, Barbara Gordon as Oracle, and how Mr. Freeze would've looked like if he were on "The Dark Knight Returns".
They still haven't made Two-Face. :down:

And most likely wont because of the Dark Knight - thats if this bat embargo still applys now.

Most likely its last season anyway(especially with Kids WB ending and the show itself reaching th 65 episode mark)
For me the lack of Two Face in the series has been more prominent than Scarecrow or Ra's Al Ghul. Two Face is one of my favourite villains and in the top five of the Batman rogues gallery, it's such a shame he hasn't been used in the cartoon.

I think they made an attempt at at Two Face style story with the Ethan Bennett Clayface episodes in the first two seasons. With Ethan being a cop (instead of a DA) and a close friend of Bruce's (like Harvey was) and then when he turned into a villain it wasn't really his fault and Batman tried his best to save him from his fate, there was a very clear similarity to Two Face there.

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