Nicholson shot threw the mouth/glasgow smile

Oct 1, 2007
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Was rewatching batman 1989, always assumed the bullet blinded him or grazed his face, but stopping and pausing it looks as if it went right threw his mouth, possibly that, and not the chemical being the case for requiring plastic surgery? the plastic surgeon explains "you understand the nerves were completely severed". what do you guys make of it?




Obviously the bullet didn't blind him. It hit off some control panel when Batman deflected it, smashing some glass which grazed Napier's face.

We saw his face was all cut up when he was hanging over the side. On both sides of his face, too.
It's so hard to make out, but I had never thought the bullet hit him.

When Batman deflected the bullet, I thought it ricochet from Batman's gauntlets to the little control thing next to Jack, then glass from the thing shot out into Jack's face sending him falling back and inevitable into the vat of chemicals.

Btw, where did you get those extremely large pictures?
Obviously the bullet didn't blind him. It hit off some control panel when Batman deflected it, smashing some glass which grazed Napier's face.

We saw his face was all cut up when he was hanging over the side. On both sides of his face, too.

Managed to get another screencap, it seems that is indeed the case, it looks like the glass cut threw one side and out the other though from the marks on his face, like a propellant in perspective at about a 30-40 degree angle than random cuts.

In the script it say's...

-- He FIRES POINT BLANK at Batman.


-- he swings his heavy cape. The BULLET RICOCHETS

AN UNGODLY HOWL OF PAIN echoes out from the catwalk
above. Jack reels and staggers, CLUTCHING AT HIS CHEEKS.
BLOOD GUSHES from between his fingers.
But in the movie it is apparent the bullet deflects against something else before Jack is hit.
Plus, Batman does not swing his cape in that scene.
I always thought it hit the glass and that cut his face.
In the script, it's described that the bullet went through his cheeks.
^The comic adaptation suggest that also if I remember well
i always thought the fact that the ricocheted bullet causing jack's permasmile was common knowledge. whether it was the bullet itself or glass i'm not sure, always assumed it was the bullet after having ricocheted a second time off the control panel.
Seeing that scene, I assume either the glass or the sparks or both hit him in the cheeks. I mean he was very close to where both the glass & sparks flew when the bullet hit the control panel.

And I wouldn't say he got the glasgow smile in this film. More like a permanent grin.
The bullets ricochets off Batman's armour and goes through Jack's cheeks. The smile is the result of the reconstructive surgery where that questionable surgeon had to lift the Jack's cheeks over the bullet holes to seal them - leaving him with the permanent smile.
bullet bounces off some glass temperature gauge, glass cut up Napiers' face, end of story
The bullets ricochets off Batman's armour and goes through Jack's cheeks. The smile is the result of the reconstructive surgery where that questionable surgeon had to lift the Jack's cheeks over the bullet holes to seal them - leaving him with the permanent smile.

Sounds right :up:
I always wondered..what nerves were severed?
The nerves on his face I imagine, supposedly when Sly Stallone was a baby the doctors tampered with his tiny baby face during during birth which is why Sly has a crooked mouth.

yeah it has nothing to do with the topic I know.
The nerves that control his mouth expressions were severed.

That explain why his mouth has a permanent grin beside the scars from the bullet. Or at least I figure how he got the grin from.

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