Not shocking news... HALO 3 footage to be shown at E3.


May 1, 2003
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The video is allegedly two minutes long, although its contents weren't divulged. We're guessing a wild breathtaking battle on Earth. Knowing Microsoft, the publisher will want to show all real, in-game engine footage to counter Sony's fantastical CG videos from E3 2005. When Microsoft was contacted, the company issued its standard reply, "We don't comment on speculation and rumors."
Teh suckage. Meh... There will be lot's of other stuff to look forward to at E3.

Wow, edit - I misread the title, it WILL BE SHOWN. Oh, okay, awesome.
This game will make the 360 sell like hot cakes. Combine that with the 2007 movie, and you got a license to print money.
TheCardPlayer said:
This game will make the 360 sell like hot cakes. Combine that with the 2007 movie, and you got a license to print money.

you'd think more people would post in this thread
Not when you could be making 'Wii' jokes in another thread... :(
I'll luff Halo if they actually have an ending to this third installment. And kickass graphics. Plus the f**king MA5B, f**k the battle rifle, that piece of n00b s**t. Three shot bursts my ass. I can't stand it. And with the f**king plasma pistol charge plus burst to the face = ultimate bulls**t frag man, ultimate. I want to f**kin' buy a lion or something and set it loose in every f**ker who's done that's house. :mad:

I can't wait to see next gen Master Chief. And maybe now all those other 360 rumors are true which would be ****ing sweet as well...
Gammy v.2 said:
They won't, Matt.
Let me spare you from the disappointment and sadness :(

I'll hi-jack a stealth bomber and bye bye Bungie.
It'll be like that game The Outfit, just in current time. :o
Master Chief said:
I'll luff Halo if they actually have an ending to this third installment. And kickass graphics. Plus the f**king MA5B, f**k the battle rifle, that piece of n00b s**t. Three shot bursts my ass. I can't stand it. And with the f**king plasma pistol charge plus burst to the face = ultimate bulls**t frag man, ultimate. I want to f**kin' buy a lion or something and set it loose in every f**ker who's done that's house. :mad:

I really want to play you on Live now to try the plasma burst to the face thing. :o Or we'll team up and rape Clint with sniper rifles. :(
Halo was good... Halo2 was worse than a japanese dating sim where you pick up underage girls.
Gammy v.2 said:
Is there such a game?????? :eek:
I need it!

Gammy, I want to play you at Halo just so I can kick your ass then do the chicken dance.

Socrates said:
I really want to play you on Live now to try the plasma burst to the face thing. :o Or we'll team up and rape Clint with sniper rifles. :(

It's the ultimate n00b combo. ULTIMATE. I take pleasure in watching them fumble around when they miss and the thing overheats and they're all squirming, mwahha. And Clint will swing snipe and end up even shooting himself... that's how crazy he is. Unless he's slipped up. Which I doubt. Since he's like, a level 30 again. :marv:
Haha, what? He can shoot himself? :confused: I didn't know that was possible.
I'll be getting Halo 3 no matter what, but I just hope that they have the original pistol in it. That was the best gun in the first game.

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