oba-Q ekakiuta - lol :D Those wacky Japanese

Is that a penguin or a non-colored prototype of the pink creature called Mochi on Monster Rancher? :p
Wow, in one day Ive seen Truthy post more than he has since becoming a Moderator. :eek:
Thats right. :o

Well, not quite, but I catch your drift.
All I need is HWD and some Hype Bar & Pub, and things will return back how they were 3 years ago. :(
Clerk said:
All I need is HWD and some Hype Bar & Pub, and things will return back how they were 3 years ago. :(
not gonna happen. Five words

Morg and the Gamma Lounge

I like that Crash song. They just need to mic down the singer a bit I think. Bring the Guitar work out some.

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