One of Us, One of Them

Primal Slayer

Let the Siren scream
Jun 30, 2005
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What does everyone think of The Companys policy? One normal agent and one "special" agent. And anyone else find it a bit funny that HRG goes through heroes like they are nothing?

So far we have had:

HRG/Claude (Invisibility)
HRG/Hatian (wipeminds/cancel powers)
HRG/Eden (persuasion)
HRG/Candance (illusions)
HRG/? (whoever they team him up with next)

Mohinder/Niki (super streangth)
Mohinder/Elle (electricity)

And would anyone else want to see the introduction of other Company teams. Im sure their must be a team that has had a sort of competition with another team.
theres also Spideys lanlod and his partner who we saw in a graphic novel and i really enjoy the pairings so i would hope for more of them
What does everyone think of The Companys policy? One normal agent and one "special" agent. And anyone else find it a bit funny that HRG goes through heroes like they are nothing?

So far we have had:

HRG/Claude (Invisibility)
HRG/Hatian (wipeminds/cancel powers)
HRG/Eden (persuasion)
HRG/Candance (illusions)
HRG/? (whoever they team him up with next)

Mohinder/Niki (super streangth)
Mohinder/Elle (electricity)

And would anyone else want to see the introduction of other Company teams. Im sure their must be a team that has had a sort of competition with another team.

Why is that funny? Different missions call for different powers. It makes sense. For instance what help would the Hatian be at Isaac's loft when the police are there questioning him about Simone who's body was still there? Or Claude? (who was supposed to be dead anyway)
I wanna see Sylar join the Company and be paired up with HRG :p Probably wouldn't make too much sense in the grand scheme of things but it would be awesome to see them teaming up to kick ass and take names...Until Sylar turned around and stole a bunch of files to track down more people with abilities he wants to steal...
I wanna see Sylar join the Company and be paired up with HRG :p Probably wouldn't make too much sense in the grand scheme of things but it would be awesome to see them teaming up to kick ass and take names...Until Sylar turned around and stole a bunch of files to track down more people with abilities he wants to steal...
honestly, the only scene I can imagine between Sylar and Noah is with one of them dying for good, and I do like both characters
Why is that funny? Different missions call for different powers. It makes sense. For instance what help would the Hatian be at Isaac's loft when the police are there questioning him about Simone who's body was still there? Or Claude? (who was supposed to be dead anyway)

I dont think its like a mix and match service i think its more of case these two people are partners and will remain that way untill something else makes this impossible like how nikki was mahinders partener and only stopped being when she injected her self with the virus
I think Ando is a prime candidate for the Company's next normal-human recruit.

He knows about the specials, he's worked with Kaito, and he has weaknesses that can easily be exploited.
What does everyone think of The Companys policy? One normal agent and one "special" agent. And anyone else find it a bit funny that HRG goes through heroes like they are nothing?

So far we have had:

HRG/Claude (Invisibility)
HRG/Hatian (wipeminds/cancel powers)
HRG/Eden (persuasion)
HRG/Candance (illusions)
HRG/? (whoever they team him up with next)

Mohinder/Niki (super streangth)
Mohinder/Elle (electricity)

And would anyone else want to see the introduction of other Company teams. Im sure their must be a team that has had a sort of competition with another team.

I wouldn't say Eden or Candace were ever particularly HRG's "partner". Maybe Candace for a bit, but Eden was always working underneath Bennet, and Bennet was still partners with the Haitian the entire time Eden was around.

HRG worked with Claude for like a decade, then he worked with the Haitian for who knows how long. I wouldn't call that going through them like they're nothing.
I wouldn't say Eden or Candace were ever particularly HRG's "partner". Maybe Candace for a bit, but Eden was always working underneath Bennet, and Bennet was still partners with the Haitian the entire time Eden was around.

HRG worked with Claude for like a decade, then he worked with the Haitian for who knows how long. I wouldn't call that going through them like they're nothing.

True, but since we dont know about the other teams, it just seems like HRG has had a lot of partners.

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