Pads and Tablets


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Sep 19, 2009
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What's the best to get?

I'm thinking of getting the iPad Mini.
Pretty subjective, but the iPad Mini is too much. They really dropped the ball with it. For a few bucks more, you might as well buy a regular iPad.

The Nexus tablets are great from what I hear, as well as the Note tablets.
My wife has a Nexus 7, loves it. Especially the durability and that it syncs with her GS3. Our only gripe is the lack of autism apps.

My oldest daughter has an iPad but, she's 15 and won't let anyone else touch it. So, I can't really compare them.
Pretty subjective, but the iPad Mini is too much. They really dropped the ball with it. For a few bucks more, you might as well buy a regular iPad.

The Nexus tablets are great from what I hear, as well as the Note tablets.
300 is my budget. So I can get the iPad for 270 at the cheapest.

It's just that I got the S3 mini. And I wanted something where I can get Apples apps lol
300 is my budget. So I can get the iPad for 270 at the cheapest.

It's just that I got the S3 mini. And I wanted something where I can get Apples apps lol
Seems like you've made up your mind already. Go with the iPad.
I have the Nexus 7 and I love it. Though I wish I would have waited for the 10, its still a good tablet. But since you want Apple apps, I guess you're going with an iPad.
Lookin for some feedback here. Im considering buying either the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 or Samsung Galaxy tab. Its primary uses are going to be as a laptop replacement so browsing, e-reader for comics and books, and movies with possibility of gaming too. I cant see big enough differences to justify the 100 dollar price difference but Im not familiar enough with tablets to be sure. Thoughts?
Never owned a tablet in my life but am looking to pick up the new Sony Xperia Z when it releases next month. Looks pretty cool plus it's boasting to be the thinnest on the market too. Plus having the option of external storage will certainly come in handy.
That Sony Xperia Z looks neat, and it's waterproof!

BUT, I'm waiting for digital paper, lol. Once we can write and store texts on flexible digital paper, We'll cut down pulpwood consumption dramatically.
Just wanted to say I'm using the nexus 10 right now, logged back on my SHH account for the first time in years and camehere. But yeah I've never looked at comics digitally but I can advocate for the shear amazingness of this tablet. Its size is great, the dual front facing speakers are sweet and dont take up too much room (the actual interface is beautiful, highest res tablet on the market) I'm using the Rootbox ROM (combination of paranoid android, aokp, and cyanogen mod) it's so customizable and flexible. The open source versatility always keeps everything interesting;) highly recommended!
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Hey guys I'm looking to get a tablet. I've been debating on getting either a Lumia 2520, Surface, ATIV Tab 3, Nexus 10, Nexus 7 or Galaxy Tab 3. Help?

I'm trying to get something that is productive, but I wouldn't mind using for occasional media like video streaming or listening to music and browsing the web. Also I may need something for reading.
Good news! I've decided on the ATIV Tab 5 and I love it. I thought W8 was awesome on my laptop, but I just love it on my tablet.

Also for you Samsung fans:


For those who love the Note series and love productivity. It runs Android KitKat and feature Samsung's new Magazine UI. It's also as light as the iPad Air and has a very similar screen. The device doesn't come cheap, though. It runs around $800 for one of these bad boys.
Sorry. I mean can it run Android apps inside Windows 8?
I haven't tried, but it's full W8 so I can just run the legacy applications from the desktop.
I want a Nexus 7, especially at that price point, but I don't think I really need a tablet TBH, since I lready own a laptop and a S4
Sorry. I mean can it run Android apps inside Windows 8?

Ya should be able to with BlueStacks, but it's still in Beta I believe.

I have a Nexus 7 2013, and I love it since I can't afford to get GN2 or 3 since I'm on prepaid plan (do save money in the long run).
If you guys want a decent but cheap tablet look at the 7 inch IRulu's that run Android 4.1.

I got mine for 80 bucks plus tax, and it runs Chrome, FB, Photo-editing, Netflix, and all that great stuff Android has to offer.

It just isn't quad core, or a decent camera, but a great tablet for traveling or something you don't mind really dirtying up for work.

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