Phil Harrison quits.


Aug 27, 2003
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Phil Harrison is today announcing plans to leave Sony. Harrison is the company’s head of worldwide studios and has been instrumental in PlayStation’s development for 15 years.AT 10AM UK TIME NEXT-GEN WILL PUBLISH AN EDITORIAL ON HARRISON’S SHOCK DEPARTURE.


Phil Harrison, president of Sony Computer Entertainment worldwide studios, will resign from Sony Computer Entertainment Group as of February 29, 2008, the company has announced.

Kazuo Hirai, president and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, will immediately assume responsibilities as president of SCE worldwide studios, in addition to his current duties.

Harrison joined Sony Electronics Publishing (later Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) in 1992 prior to the launch of the original PlayStation, and has since played a key strategic role in the launch of four PlayStation platforms, as well as building strong relationships with game developers and publishers globally. Harrison led SCE’s first party game development operations and aggressively pursued the development of new online entertainment experiences.

“As one of the founding members of SCE, Phil played a key role in the development and growth of the PlayStation business and our industry,” said Hirai. “It is sad to see him departing from SCE, but I wish to express my gratitude for his many invaluable contributions and also wish Phil the very best of luck in his future endeavors.”

“The past 15 years at Sony Computer Entertainment has been the defining journey of my life so far,” said Harrison. “I am grateful to all the PlayStation family for their incredible support, guidance and friendship. It has been a privilege to serve as part of the team and be inspired by them on a daily basis. I am so proud of everything PlayStation has achieved and will continue to support its future in every way I can.”
Makes me sad, I personally thought Harrison was a great front man for the PS3.
aparently he's going to atari. that's just strange.
I prefered Harrison to Kaz by a mile. I mean, ever since the embarrasing 2006 E3 conference, I just can't take Kaz seriously.
Well...this was unexpected.

Moving from Sony to Atari seems like such a demotion, especially since I don't see Atari lasting that much longer.

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