I think this is a great idea for a thread. Spider-Man's quips is one of the things I like best about him. Here's a few that I like:
From The Vulture Returns while he's figthing Vulture at the Daily Bugle:
J. Jonah Jameson: My ledgers! My files! Look what you're doing!
Spidey: Aw, go slide down a barbed-wire fence.
From the Spider-Man 3 game after he beats a gang:
Spidey: Thanks for playing. Sorry you didn't win, but we have a lovely consolation prize of jail time.
From Spider-Man 2 while he's fighting Doc Ock:
Spidey: Here's your change!
[Throwns coin bag at Doc Ock].
Doc Ock: You're getting on my nerves.
Spidey: I have a knack for that.