La la la la
One day, I will balance my checkbook
With all the money I have, I once dreamed that I could use it to buy my way into heaven. When I awoke the following day, I used said money to indulge myself. I decided religion could take a backseat to my worldly possessions, as it is far too easy to give in to temptation. It is the same way with many rich men, although I supposed many of us don't learn our lessons until incarcerated. I'm well aware that the public is watching everything I do, but that doesn't prevent me from behaving foolishly. This includes frivolling even more money, despite my mother telling me to manage my finanaces better. I've even had lawsuits against me. Do not become upset, for I am merely expressing myself. Many expected my newfound riches to change my behavior.
La la la la
One day, I will balance my checkbook
La la la la
Then I will no longer require your advice
Pardon me, but were you just speaking? I believe not, for I no longer require your advice. I no longer require your advice. I no longer require your advice.
I am not suicidal. Also, I will not decide your life for you. Jesus died so that our sins may be forgiven. On another note, I do not know how war is declared. This, for one reason or another, is why I park my car badly. The elderly tend to remininse of days long past, but I pay them little regard. Oh dear, I appear to be two hours late for class! No, wait, I graduated, already. I believe you can survive anything if Magic Johnson could survive AIDS. Some say I speak by emphasizing my points too bluntly; they are just afraid of hearing the truth. Do not take a pompous tone with me if you'll only end up apologizing. If you take issue with my statements, but I'm afraid I must bid you farewell.
La la la la
One day, I will balance my checkbook
La la la la
Then I will no longer require your advice
Pardon me, but were you just speaking? I believe not, for I no longer require your advice. I no longer require your advice. I no longer require your advice.
Let us all continue to party and earn a living. That man need not refuel his automobile, for if he can so easily brush off rumors that reflect him negatively, he can continue his journey through sheer momentum. How does he continue when other impede his path? How does he remain faithful to his beloved when surrounded by cheap prostitutes? Perhaps he is attuned to the beliefs of his ancestors, and will surely be buried with the treasures he has collected in life. If life were a female dog, it may or may not be pleasant, depending on its grooming. The devil wears designer clothing, while Adam and Eve were completely nude. I choose the middle-ground of their fashion choices, and wear it quite well. I put less effort into such sensibilities, as too much effort may warrant disaster and death. Then your friends and colleagues will surely mourn for you.
La la la la
One day, I will balance my checkbook
La la la la
Then I will no longer require your advice
Pardon me, but were you just speaking? I believe not, for I no longer require your advice. I no longer require your advice. I no longer require your advice.
This thread would be much funnier with more superficial rap.