San Diego Recommendations?


Feb 21, 2007
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Hey all, I am.not sure if this would be the best place to post this thread, but maybe someone can help.

I am traveling to San Diego this weekend and was hoping one of you might be a native and could refer me to a comic shop there? I am going back issue hunting so if there is store that has more of those on hand that would be preferred.

And yes I know I can search Google but I can only browse via my phone, plus a first hand account of a store (if I get one) would be much more helpful.

Thanks in advance!
When I was stationed in San Diego I used to go to a great comic shop there, but I think it closed down a few years ago.
Thanks for the reply!

I was trying to remember a shop I went into with my Dad years ago, when I was in grade school. After doin some searching on the web I think that store was Comickaze. Googles reviews seem to be a little negative regarding the store's customer service, but it's open Sunday when I'll be in SD. Also going to check out So-Cal Comics.
Comics N Stuff in El Cajon (About 15-20 minutes east of downtown) has a huge selection of back issues. Its a pretty big place with lots of stuff.

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