Chuck is really the only new show I watch. So I wish for it to stay.
To the poster who says each Chuck episode is the same well buddy you must not watch alot of tv show. As every show does that.
Not Terminator.
But that's probably part of why the ratings haven't been doing so great... Some people simply can't keep up with a show that follows a serialized format.
Anway, there are few people who would say that Chuck is in immediate danger, because it's almost guaranteed to get renewed next season. I don't really watch the show, but a lot of people say that it probably didn't really need to be on the list.
Dollhouse is apparently at high risk of cancellation though. It opened with modestly successful numbers, but they quickly dropped down to TSCC's levels, which isn't good considering that the show is in it's first season.
TSCC is at elevated risk, but considering it's been on for 2 seasons and the move to Fridays hit it hard, renewal is still a strong possibility (although so is cancellation). Fox knows that the show bottoms out at 3.5 million in the worst-case scenario (Friday slot of death), and so the question is now whether or not they should move it to a better night, and try to get more people to watch. For a Friday night show, it did not do too bad. It's maintianed a fairly steady second/third place position since the move. The numbers were mediocre, but if Fox was expecting better on a Friday night, then I dare them to put out a show that does better.
One thing is for sure... "The New Sci-fi Friday" was a total dud, and if either Dollhouse or TSCC survives, they're going to end up on a different night. Friday night is typically a night for game shows and reality TV, because that's the kind of entertainment that the stay-at-home-on-a-Friday-night crowd usually watches. The audience of a scripted show as involved and cerebral as TSCC though tends to be a bit more mainstream in their viewing hours. There's no reason why TSCC doesn't deserve better than a Friday slot when no-one is watching, or a Monday slot when everyone is watching football. They should pair it up with American Idol or 24 if they're serious about making it to do well.