Oh God where do I start?

SM1 my favorite of the bunch and actually, the one with less cheese I think..):
- The bus scene;
- Goblin singing "Itsy-bitsy Spider bla bla bla";
- People coming to defend Spidey and throwing stuff at GG lol!
- some more scenes, which aren't that significant.
- Right in the very beginning, when Peter delivers those Pizzas and he tries to arrange the stuff in that building's closet (the mop etc), come on, is he that much of a n00b? No, it's just another typical "trying to be funny, but epically fails" Raimi moments.
- Peter's "raindrops keep falling on my head" scene;
- The elevator scene with Hal Sparks. I can understand why it was shorter in SM2 since there's a long one in 2.1.

- The scene in the train with the citizens of NY and also them standing up to Ock. pfft!
- That idiot reflecting the mirror light in Peter's face, at a course! lol Like Joker mentioned, things like these don't happen in college, maybe in high school. Not to mention, it wasn't funny or anything.
- JJJ's scenes, most of them. Especially the first one with his meds. Way too cheesy.
- At the parade: Peter singing and dancing along + the kid acting weird before and when he kissed Gwen
- Bruce Campbell's scene in the restaurant was a bit over the top. Too cheesy and not that funny.
- The whole emo Parker sharade was cheesy, unfunny and definetly not dark;
- "I wanna kill the spider, You wanna kill the spider....";
- Spider-Man swinging in front of that american flag. What does patriotism or whatever have to do with such a personal battle anyway?

- All the kids in the final battle took away some of the feeling (haha in the end you'd think I hate kids, but no I don't. It's just that most of those scenes were cheesy and ruined certain moments for me). They were not funny, they were not needed. Silly cheese;
- The giant cookie...er I mean Sandman. Was just cheesy.
SM1 & SM2 had their typical Raimi moments of cheese, which should have and could have been avoided, but in SM3, he went over the top, so overal, his trilogy belongs here:
©KAW;19109930 said:
This is what I mean when I say that the Spider-Man movies were directed by adult film makers with children brains. If this thread is for Marc Webb in telling him what to avoid at all cost, I say go for it. And if they attempt to cater to children, write dialogue for Special Ed 4th graders, and have characters with no depth or complexity to them, it will be another creatively dead franchise in the making.
Marc Webb needs to direct the Spider-Man movie for older teens and adults ONLY. Children will still love it (case in point: Lord of the Rings and The Dark Knight) both made a billion bucks worldwide, in which neither Spider-Man film has yet to accomplish with one film. So no BS excuses about it not attracting a massive audience, if you have to bring your brain along with you when watching the film this time.
And people actually complain when TDK is given as an example, but it is a great example of how well Nolan handled Batman! Spider-Man should be handled that great as well (and no, by this I don't mean it should be like TDK before any of you jump to conclusions, Spider-Man is totally different! What I mean is that it should be handled that good!).