Superman Returns Song in second TV spot???


Jan 12, 2001
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Anyone know the song in the second TV spot?

"I wish I could fly, I know I could save us all now." is the line. Anyone help me out? It sounds like a cool song. Thanks.
It's American Hi-Fi - The Rescure... on "Sound of Superman"

Check out that links on the bottom of the page...
Écoutez la chanson The Rescue
that just plays the tv spot again do u know a downloadable link for the song
Spider-jedi said:
that just plays the tv spot again do u know a downloadable link for the song

Nobody can help you with this. The album isn't out yet.
the band had the full song in their myspace, but the label asked them to remove it for a while, but anyway someone prolly has the song downloaded previosly.
is it me, or does Routh sound like Wentworth Miller to everyone else too?
the whole album just plain stinks except american hi-fi....thats the 100 top listed song just watch it will be so over played in bout 3 weeks
yeah, i heard it too. most of these artist sound the same. and American Hi-fi isn't very good. They ain't no Train. just another batch of whiny girly-men.
SpeedballLives said:
yeah, i heard it too. most of these artist sound the same. and American Hi-fi isn't very good. They ain't no Train. just another batch of whiny girly-men.

cmon man iif you got a girlfriend then you know youll be hearing that amer hifi song when your making out at least once:) hahahaha its not a bad song but the rest stink
My guess it won't be played at all in my area. Damn Rap stations.
oh they have pop stations im sure by you and i totally agree im from Chicago, FRICKING CHICAGO and we DONT EVEN HAVE ONE ROCK STATION.... times have changed and its sad as hell
I wish, i've got the only rock stations preset on my tuner. They are either old rock, heavy metal, or new crap that is played over and over and over and over and over again. Think's it's time to get Sirius.
SpeedballLives said:
I wish, i've got the only rock stations preset on my tuner. They are either old rock, heavy metal, or new crap that is played over and over and over and over and over again. Think's it's time to get Sirius.

i refuse to pay for radio seriously there taking everything free america was known for away.....
yeah, i didn't really mean sirius. I need an Ipod!
Seriously, not that good of a song!!!!

Plus I thought you guys didn't like music being associated with the movie....
I agree with venom on this one.
They all seem like whiny teenage fluff.
They should have gotten respected artist, and maybe release a ballad sung by Kelly Clarkson or Scott Stapp.
venom420 said:
Seriously, not that good of a song!!!!

opinions are like *ssholes.. everyones got one, and no buddy wants to see yours :up: :)

i kinda like the song even if people scream EMO on it..... i guess life today is all EMO
SpeedballLives said:
I agree with venom on this one.
They all seem like whiny teenage fluff.
They should have gotten respected artist, and maybe release a ballad sung by Kelly Clarkson or Scott Stapp.

Creed's song "My Sacrifice" would have been a fitting song for this movie I'm sure.

My Sacrifice
Hello my friend we meet again
It’s been a while where should
we begin…feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
Of perfect love that you gave to me
I remember

When you are with me
I’m free…I’m careless…I believe
Above all the others we’ll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

We’ve seen our share of ups and downs
Oh how quickly life can turn around in
an instant
It feels so good to reunite
Within yourself and within your mind
Let’s find peace there

When you are with me
I’m free…I’m careless…I believe
Above all the others we’ll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

I just want to say hello again

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