Spiders "Raining" In Brazil

I think it's safe to say Brazil's tourism stats just took a major nose dive.

(unless it's a hoax)
wow the birds there must not be big enough, or hungry enough....
At least it's not raining clowns.

Reading through the caption, it says that it's pretty normal to see in some parts of Brazil. They're teaming up to form one giant web to catch flying insects.

This is great nightmare fuel for movies, especially since it's real. :)
This is a lot worse than what happens in Australia. You know why? It means they could MIGRATE NORTH! TO ME! :(

What is it about spiders that turn grown men into terrified children?

I'm not afraid of bats, but spiders scare the living hell out of me.

Tried to get one of just Sam screaming lol.

Only clown that ever got to me was 'It' and even then, not by much... apparently clowns gave me nightmares when I was little though.
This is a lot worse than what happens in Australia. You know why? It means they could MIGRATE NORTH! TO ME! :(

Too cold up here for that nonsense!

Falling spiders still aren't as scary as flying snakes.


But hey, maybe Brazil can import flying snakes to eat the falling spiders. Yeah, that'll work...
I still think I'd rather have flying snakes.
I've never actually fainted , but probably would if I looked up and saw all those spiders.
It must suck to be arachnophobic down there.
I've never actually fainted , but probably would if I looked up and saw all those spiders.

I wouldn't. You know why? You'd wake up and be covered in them!
It must suck to be arachnophobic down there.
There are LOTS of creepy crawlies in tropical places. (Well, there are lots of animals in tropical places, so it just goes with the formula.) I was reading the blog of someone who lived in the Costa Rican rainforest. Tropical paradise, right? Supposedly you should always look ahead when you're walking, because it's easy to walk into a spiderweb and then be covered in golden orb spiders. :o

But yes, falling spiders are CREEPY.

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