Spoilers: The Codex..............What was it in it's originality?

This really confused me too. I thought it was going to have some background or explanation. But unless I missed it (which I doubt) it was shaped like a skull for no reason.
I'm gonna go with the first post-"ape" kryptonian. The skull looked kinda "ape"-ish to me.
I actually like that we don't get an answer to this. Leave all the meaty questions of Krypton and its past blank just to make the world much more mysterious as much as Kal-El won't even know that about his home planet.
Being a civilization 100,000's of years old, who knows what the CODEX was. It looked to me like a fossil skull, but it doesn't have to be akin to a proto huminoid. It could be the skull of a fully "human" kryptonian. Perhaps the last survivor of some war that was left to remake Krypton after a massive depopulation? He/She used the cloning technology (tech that could compensate for all the problems with cloning we have here on earth) to start the race up again in the past. This person did not have the specific genetic modification later adapted by the culture but, even then there would be a need to fuss around with the DNA a lot just to get the variety of Phenotypes present in the Kryptonian race at the time the planet exploded. I could be way off though. And it's all just pseudo scifi gobbildy goo any way. I wonder if DOCTOR EVO would like to weigh in on this? He seems a lot more in the know, and more exact in his thinking than I could ever be.
At first I thought the skull belonged to one of Jor-El's ancestors. I believed that there were thousands of them that were used to cultivate DNA to produce babies of the many different bloodlines.

But now I dont really know.
What if the skull is...


Kal El's?

^Myyyyyyyyyyy.................. Zooooooooooooooddddd!

You know, the funny part is I'm not even joking. I literally think that that skull is Superman's. And that the trilogy will end where it began.
^It would bring a whole new meaning to that "the son becomes the father and the father becomes the son" stuff.
^It would bring a whole new meaning to that "the son becomes the father and the father becomes the son" stuff.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. It'd be a very sly, literal update of that. I dunno, I think that'd be pretty cool.
While not quite on your wavelength, once it was established that we were seeing Superman's birth in the first few moments of the film I figured it would be up Goyer's alley to do the full circle thing and have the 3rd film be his death..... UNTIL HIS SECOND COMING IN THE 31ST CENTURY, MOFOS!
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What are you saying, like Superman goes back in time and somehow becomes the progenitor of the kryptonian race? This actually sort of reminds me of the left-behind remnants of the original terminator being used to create Skynet in Terminator 2.
STERANKO did a crazy, and I mean MORRISON/MOORE level crazy story in the comics that is pretty similar, though it's really a strange biblical Genesis riff.
I think we can safely assume that it was a paleolithic Kriptonian skull that contained the genetic codes for the the remaining traits of Kryptonians.
A fossil skull for sure. But other than that it's all up for grabs baby!

You know, the funny part is I'm not even joking. I literally think that that skull is Superman's. And that the trilogy will end where it began.

I actually think its Supergirl's skull if you read the comics your may remember that Supergirl travels forward in time to help the League and im sure it mentions something about a battle with Doomsday need to brush up on my DC Universe.
It looked to me that it was a former life form. Kind of like our early ancestors skull in early primate form and it was small. It seemed to have a protruding snout. What do you think it was in it's originality?




Snyder explained it during the recent MoS live event with Kevin Smith. I forget what he said, but I'm sure you can find the interview somewhere -- maybe on youtube.
Snyder explained at the live event for the blu-ray that the Codex was a artifact protected by Krypton's highest (religious too, I think) because it is the skull of the ultimate Kryptonian, which is why the genes from that skull are used to create the next generation of Kryptonians.
Snyder explained at the live event for the blu-ray that the Codex was a artifact protected by Krypton's highest (religious too, I think) because it is the skull of the ultimate Kryptonian, which is why the genes from that skull are used to create the next generation of Kryptonians.

Interesting. That makes sense, which explains why Jor bonded all that within his son.

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