Superman Returns Superman Returns Running Time Confirmed!

"Iron Man"

Dec 27, 2005
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While I was watching Thursday's episode of Attack of the Show! (on G4), they had a segment on summer movies: what will rule the box office and what will not? Well, one of the people they asked (Nick Nunziata) told them that "Superman Returns will do good" because his friend has seen a (get this) 2 hour, 51 minute cut of the movie! (Damn, that's a long movie!) But they said that it could be shortened down to just 2hours, 15 minutes. But still, that's pretty long. I can't get a video link from, but if anybody finds it, post it here. And you can go, go to the AOTS section, and click on "The Loop: Summer Movie Preview" to read a little about it.

I hope the 2hours, 51 minutes time is the one!!!
2 hrs 51 mins is way too long. Put it for DVD
I want 2 hours 51 minutes version! How longer, how better!

Spider-Steve said:
I want 2 hours 51 minutes version! How longer, how better!


General public won't like that idea = King Kong
I don't know how much I buy this. To cut out....35 minutes of the film would be fairly hard.
Singer said it was going to hover around 2 hours and 20 - 30 minutes however, which to be honest is already a tad too long for the movie's younger demographic.
Iron Man said:
While I was watching Thursday's episode of Attack of the Show! (on G4), they had a segment on summer movies: what will rule the box office and what will not? Well, one of the people they asked (Nick Nunziata) told them that "Superman Returns will do good" because his friend has seen a (get this) 2 hour, 51 minute cut of the movie! (Damn, that's a long movie!) But they said that it could be shortened down to just 2hours, 15 minutes. But still, that's pretty long. I can't get a video link from, but if anybody finds it, post it here. And you can go, go to the AOTS section, and click on "The Loop: Summer Movie Preview" to read a little about it.

I hope the 2hours, 51 minutes time is the one!!!

By the way, what did they say about SR?

Did they make a prediction? Who will rule box office? Who wont?
I thought the run time was confirmed months ago?
bosef982 said:
I don't know how much I buy this. To cut out....35 minutes of the film would be fairly hard.
Hey man, it's what they it if you want to, but it was on AOTS.

Really what they said was that there is a 2 hours, 51 minutes version and a 2 hours, 15 minutes version. And they're leaning towards the 2h, 15 m version. But, Nick Nunziata said that both version are excellent! We'll see...
VGPOP said:
By the way, what did they say about SR?

Did they make a prediction? Who will rule box office? Who wont?

It was one of the Head chimps at CHUD. Not much better than anyone at AICN if you ask me. You mention Devin specificly, I'd say worse.
Am i the only one annoyed by this whole "demographic this", "demo that"? If the movie is enjoyable people WILL watch. Some seem to forget Titanic. What did that movie have alot of? Love, and SR looks to have quite enough of it to please the same type of people. God i just want great film that lasts enough for its necessity so that things play out smoothly and there's development to the characters , space for performance & entertainment as well!

waaay to long. for us fans it is a dream come true. but the ones who want big BO this is a problem. it will be like with king kong. people dont like long moveis.
VGPOP said:
By the way, what did they say about SR?

Did they make a prediction? Who will rule box office? Who wont?
Well, everyone seems to agree that POTC2, SR, and Nacho Libre will do good, but X3 and others (can't remember all of them) won't do so good.

Basically what they said about SR: "It's going to do good at the box office" and the thing about the running time. That's it!
i think they should make a 2:30 cut for the theater and than 2:50 for the dvd.

i think this is the best.
I dont think that longer is bad... look at Lord of The Rings. Those movies were fantastic, and they were longer than the average movie
kakarot069 said:
I dont think that longer is bad... look at Lord of The Rings. Those movies were fantastic, and they were longer than the average movie
and tehre were people who didnt watch the movie in the theater because it was to long ;)
if its a good film, 2hr 51 min will fly right by.

but if it stinks.......
aw... poor people, cant sit through a movie because it doesn't fit to their life.

Make time for it. Superman's been gone from the theater for over a decade, and he deserves that much running time.
i know that it deserves. i really dont care. its about the peopel who want big BO.

this is not titanic of spiderman.
If the movie sucks and does not do well at the B.O.. you will se a longer cut on DVD.
dark_b said:
i know that it deserves. i really dont care. its about the peopel who want big BO.

this is not titanic of spiderman.
it's equivalent to spiderman...
kakarot069 said:
it's equivalent to spiderman...
some people are saying that titanic was long and it make huge BO. i am saying that this movie is not like spiderman because it is not everything new.

people wont think that it is something so special to be 3 hours in teh cinema.

i am hoping for 2:50 :up:
The movie is about the same as BB.. perfect i think for an entertaining flight i think.

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