The Baron.


Apr 15, 2005
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So I'm in the process of making my own comic.
It's called The Baron Von Matthews, and is basicly a mix of a Hannah Barbera Cartoon, Batman, and Futurama.
Anyways, here's some Concept art for it so far.

The Baron


Professor Pendulum

Kaboom Baboon

Yin & Yang

If you guys are intrested in knowing more I'm happy to tell, I just don't want to bombard you with the story and such yet.
Constructive Crit please! and I just want to point out this is only rough concept work I've done today.
awesome! I like all of the characters, it sounds promising
Thanks guys!
I figured out, awesome bad guys make awesome stories.
I'm trying to come up with names for others, the bad guys mainly have names that mean something.
Professor Pendulum is a time traveler, and Pendulum is a clock thing.
Kaboom Baboon makes things go Boom (quote from the comic, haha)
Yin & Yang are ninjas, who have a fighting style which requires the other one to be there.
It all sounds very creative. Do you plan on self-publishing a printed comic, submitting your ideas to a publisher, or doing something web-related?
Honestly, anything I can do to get it out there.
I'm using it as part of my portfolio for uni, and hopfully i'll carry on.
I'm getting a mac within the next week, so I'll be scanning in the drawings and drawing over them with a tablet.

I love the story I've got so far, it's got a lot of things that need ironing out, but I'm loving it.
Basiclly, the Baron is form Victorian Times, and is sent into the future by Pendulum. When I say future, I mean presant day.
Pendulum can reverse evolution, he's only young, early 20's, his ageing looks are due to the Baron stopping his experiments to forward evolution on himself.

Winston is the result of his reverse evolution, but he retained his mind as a human, hence the clothes, glasses, and cup of tea.
digging the 'Kaboom Baboon'! nice!

you need a scanner!
I really do, I'm getting one soon when I get my lap top, after that I'll be scanning in the imagins in then drawing over them with a tablet and photoshop.
Sweet... it just looks like you have some really nice clean lines, but the digital pics just dont do em justice!
Well, sorry to drag up an old thread, but I completely forgot I posted this in here.

I went back to the idea a few months ago after putting it away for a while, and ended up coming up with a new story, plot... everything. Here's the new and improved Baron... well, he got a new name too, Damien Darkwood.


A witch called Abby

and his partner Wilhelm

and one of whats under the mask...

The book has become a more... Doctor Who meets Hellboy meets Supernatural.
My work computer is blocking those pics...I'll have to check them out later.
Wow, I'm so glad I discovered this thread. I like your designs and pitch for Darkwood, but I LOVE The Baron. The style and the idea of a Hannah Barbera-esque throwback adventure is great and fits with your style so well. I'd love to see all those characters in action.
Wow, I'm so glad I discovered this thread. I like your designs and pitch for Darkwood, but I LOVE The Baron. The style and the idea of a Hannah Barbera-esque throwback adventure is great and fits with your style so well. I'd love to see all those characters in action.
Well, "The Baron" eventually turns up in Damien Darkwood, kinda like a homage to my own stuff. He gets a two dopplegangers eventually, one who is all good, The Baron, and one who is... lets say, his Joker or Green Goblin, named Baron Von Darkwood.

But I still plan to have some "the Baron" stories once he's fleshed out in this book. I feel like I'm creating my own little world here :)
Thanks for the kind words though!
No problem. I don't mean to try and put any reigns on creativity or anything like that. It's definitely great to have multiple characters and stories to jump to, so if you have a great idea and it doesn't quite fit with one tone, you can always use another character or something. Anyways, I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread. Keep it coming. :up:

Oh and what kind of comic are you trying to create? Web or published?
Wow, I'm so glad I discovered this thread. I like your designs and pitch for Darkwood, but I LOVE The Baron. The style and the idea of a Hannah Barbera-esque throwback adventure is great and fits with your style so well. I'd love to see all those characters in action.
I was thinking of having character back-ups as web based things though. But I'm writing this as a Graphic novel. Why limit myself to the bounds of standard comics while I don't have a boss to be given rules from? :)

Anyways, I just drew this, not part of anything, just a picture swap I did with a friend.


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