Yeah Craigslist is a funny place to visit for a laugh.... pretty much any woman who posts and gives out her cell phone number is an escort. You can text or call any of them (which I have done with friends for fun, like a prank)... and they will tell you straight up they are an escort and what they charge.... they will offer to meet you anywhere and sometimes they rob you (a guy posted on craigslist warning other guys to stay away from a certain escort in south florida where I live. He claimed he went to meet her and her and her male driver took off with his money).... they also write things like "Meet me. 150 kisses" (that means 150 dollars per hour)... and they have other ways to make it clear they are an escort. For example, they will write a looooong paragraph about what they look for in a man, who they are, their life, etc. And then at the very end they will write "appointment only"..... hahaha. that's funny!