The Economy as of TODAY August 6, 2004

maxwell's demon

May 17, 2002
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NEW YORK — U.S. stock markets hit new lows of the year Friday after the government released much worse-than-expected unemployment data and investors continued to fret over high oil prices.

The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average ended lower 147.70 points, or 1.50 percent, to close at 9,815.33. The technology-laced Nasdaq lost 44.74 points, or 2.52 percent, to end at 1,776.89, while the broader Standard & Poor's 500 index was down 16.73 points, or 1.57 percent, to close at 1,063.97. It was the lowest close for all three indexes this year. The Dow last closed lower on Nov. 28, the Nasdaq on Aug. 26 and the S&P 500 on Dec. 10.

For the week, the Dow dropped 3.2 percent, the S&P 500 fell 3.4 percent and the Nasdaq plummeted 5.6 percent. It was the worst weekly performance for the Dow since the second week of March, and the worst week of the year for the other two indexes.

Early Friday the Labor Department reported nonfarm payrolls rose 32,000, and the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent from 5.6 percent in June.

The July job report reflects the weakest increase in hiring since December and comes after a revised gain of just 78,000 in June, even less than previously reported. Economists had forecast the creation of roughly 243,000 jobs for July.

and to get few other perspectives go here:

and here:

(these stories seemed a bit too long to post them all here- but if people would prefer i will post them all.)

I'll let you all make up your own minds before i say anything.
*shrugs* Business for me is good :) In fact I made enough extra money for another trip to Vegas next week :D
The fact is that the economy is still far from recovering, no matter how many "Indicators" say otherwise the fact is that the FACTS prove just the's sad really
But I thought we turned a corner? And we were never turning back?
Dude, Fox news is so trying to get Bush out of office with this damn left leaning news reporting. Is there no un-bias media in this country?
Originally posted by Morg
*shrugs* Business for me is good :) In fact I made enough extra money for another trip to Vegas next week :D
Morg, I'm glad things are going well for you. I wish they were going that well for everyone.
Originally posted by maxwell's demon
marvel took a dive? i wonder why?

probably because
Ultimate Gwen died
;) but she was a damn good character :(
I love how since there isn't a record increase of jobs Bush is the enemy, that's odd, I don't see anywhere where it says there's been a decline in the economy. By the way thanks for the figures Maxwell I'm glad you present facts for your case
Originally posted by juggaloryda
I love how since there isn't a record increase of jobs Bush is the enemy, that's odd, I don't see anywhere where it says there's been a decline in the economy. By the way thanks for the figures Maxwell I'm glad you present facts for your case
He never mentioned Bush:up: Jason Blood is bad at math:up:
Originally posted by juggaloryda
I love how since there isn't a record increase of jobs Bush is the enemy, that's odd, I don't see anywhere where it says there's been a decline in the economy. By the way thanks for the figures Maxwell I'm glad you present facts for your case

you're welcome.

but jug- it does say the economy is doing worse, and more importantly, it says it is doing worse the Bush said it was doing right before the numbers were released.
Originally posted by maxwell's demon
you're welcome.

but jug- it does say the economy is doing worse, and more importantly, it says it is doing worse the Bush said it was doing right before the numbers were released.
But...but...but...the corner? What happened to the corner? :confused:
it's a very large corner. i think it's like, humungous or somethin'.
why is it that when i post real and hard news to start a thread with no one wants to discuss?
Slag? Defenders? CrAzYMoFo? Juggy (you only made one statement, where'd you go?)
sorry, the debates were going on in the other thread that's why I haven't posted in this one. Plus your news is irrefutable. The economy hasn't gotten better lately. That doesn't mean we're headed back into a recessioin, it could go either way at this point so I wouldn't really call this bad news yet
Okay, I realize the author of this post wasn't trying to be partisan, but I want to say this anyway...

The economy now is as good as it was when Clinton ran for reelection-same unemployment rates and everything. Yet Democrats called that the best economy ever and call this the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Also, someone told me that only 8,000 jobs were created in July of 1996 as opposed to 32,000 in July 2004. Anyone know if that's true or not?
Originally posted by Mastermold
Okay, I realize the author of this post wasn't trying to be partisan, but I want to say this anyway...

The economy now is as good as it was when Clinton ran for reelection-same unemployment rates and everything. Yet Democrats called that the best economy ever and call this the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Also, someone told me that only 8,000 jobs were created in July of 1996 as opposed to 32,000 in July 2004. Anyone know if that's true or not?

Well, there's an important fact you seem to be forgetting here, During 1996 the economy was actually on the rebound not in a sustained nosedive for facts and figures go here so the situation is more dire than first expected, the fact that people quote "indicators" and not the actual economy should be enought to make you suspicious. So by definition the economy right now is doing worse and the trend that has been created due to deficit spending will only further damage any hopes for the economy.
Um...what does that link have to do with anything? It's about surpluses and deficits...okay dude. I'm talking about the shape of the economy, which budgets can have an impact on, but don't always..

Fact: Unemployment rates in the summers of 1996 and 2004 are the exact same. ..

I guess the economy was good in 1996 cause a Democrat was president

I'll try to corroborate that "8,000 jobs in July '96" story...if I can back it up, the Democrats will look like even bigger dumbasses if that's possible.
Originally posted by Mastermold
Um...what does that link have to do with anything? It's about surpluses and deficits...okay dude. I'm talking about the shape of the economy, which budgets can have an impact on, but don't always..

Fact: Unemployment rates in the summers of 1996 and 2004 are the exact same. ..

I guess the economy was good in 1996 cause a Democrat was president

I'll try to corroborate that "8,000 jobs in July '96" story...if I can back it up, the Democrats will look like even bigger dumbasses if that's possible.

You really think that revenues have no impact on economy? also the fact that the tables show deficit spending does nothing for you?
And by the way, if you had bothered to read the table YOU POSTED you would've noticed that if you widen the criteria to show the same data since 1989 by 1996 the economy was allready in fact recovering, not in steady decline...but here, how about we see that same table and compare the two terms given the fact that Clinton's first term actually created jobs instead of losing them, and then see the steady rise, by the way corelate this with the other tables in the link you deemed had "nothing to do with the economy" and perhaps you will see the fragility of your argument. The point is YOU are again turning this into a partisan issue, you're so bent in making "Democrats look like dumbasses" that you cannot realize that there are bigger dumbasses in office right now, and that this has nothing to do woth the fact that they are republican, just that they have done a lousy job.

I urge you to open your eyes. The fact that Clinton taxed the wealthy (and yes the middle class also) along with other good administrative decissions brought the U.S. into the best economy that it had ever seen.
No matter how much people look at his administration and put him down for petty irrelevan t things, this is not about you disliking him, this is about the facts, please look at the two administrations behind him, see what little they did for the economy, what Reagan's "Trickle down economics" brought upon the U.S. and the fact that the Bush political stand right now is by all rights a rehashing of Reagan's failed plan.
And you still have not rebutted one simple fact:

The unemployment rate of the summer 1996 and summer 2004 are the same-5.5 percent.

Yeah what's your point about recovery? The economy had been in recovery since March 1991 when Clinton ran for reelection. Currently, it's been in recovery since Nov. 2001.
Originally posted by Mastermold
And you still have not rebutted one simple fact:

The unemployment rate of the summer 1996 and summer 2004 are the same-5.5 percent.

Yeah what's your point about recovery? The economy had been in recovery since March 1991 when Clinton ran for reelection. Currently, it's been in recovery since Nov. 2001.

Listen, the unemployment rate isn't everything when it comes to the economy, go take an econ course.

C.J. has pretty much layed it out for you an you still are dodging his facts by coming back to this one, and miniscule issue that is the unemployment rate.
Originally posted by Stewie Griffin
Listen, the unemployment rate isn't everything when it comes to the economy, go take an econ course.

C.J. has pretty much layed it out for you an you still are dodging his facts by coming back to this one, and miniscule issue that is the unemployment rate.

Really what facts? He gave me a link to a table of surpluses and deficits, not unemployment.
Originally posted by Mastermold
Really what facts? He gave me a link to a table of surpluses and deficits, not unemployment.
And you don't think surpluses and deficiets have anything to do with the economy and the future economy?

Tell me where are all the baby boomers are going to get social security now that the president has thought it wise to issue massive tax cuts and increase governemnt spending ever increasing the national debt, bankrupting the surplus and sky rocketing deficits...

This deficit spending also helps Bush avoid the debate on national priorities we would have if these expenditures were being financed through higher taxes on a pay-as-you-go basis. After all, we're not paying the bill now; instead, it will come due far in the future, long after today's policy-makers are out of office. And this debt is being incurred just as the baby boomers are about to retire. In January 2004, Charles Kolb, who served in the Reagan and George H. W. Bush White Houses, testified before Congress that, at a time when demographics project more retirees and fewer workers, projected government debt will rise from 37 percent of the economy today to 69 percent in 2020 and 250 percent in 2040. This is the sort of level one associates with a Third World kleptocracy.


Things are bad right now, and they are going to get worse in the future, there is no refuting these facts.
And I'm not disputing them necessarily, but you and he are changing the subject from the shape of the economy to the government's finances. And it was Democrats who created the nanny ask them why we have so much debt.

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