The Greatest Mashup Music Video Of Alltime - Vanilla Ice vs Skinny Puppy :D

I'd almost forgotten how awesome Ice was. And how awesome a dancer.
Alright Mike Desmond... I'm not clicking any of your Skinny Puppy links.
Slipknot said:
Alright Mike Desmond... I'm not clicking any of your Skinny Puppy links.

You a Slipknot fan? Heard the new Ministry yet? Joey is doing drums for them now.
It's pretty fun watching Ice talking about the Ninja Rap video in that second link.
Rivethed said:
You a Slipknot fan? Heard the new Ministry yet? Joey is doing drums for them now.
Yep, I am. Joey is a great drummer. Ministry is a good band, so I'm glad he is helping them out until Slipknot goes into studio to make another album in about a year from now.
God, I have the strangest urge to download Ice Ice Baby now.
Slipknot said:
Yep, I am. Joey is a great drummer. Ministry is a good band, so I'm glad he is helping them out until Slipknot goes into studio to make another album in about a year from now.

Here you go. The entire album streamed. Censored, though so you don't get to hear the drill seargeant talking about shoving his **** in your nose or Bush calling himself an *******.
Will I get banned if I claim that 'Ice Ice Baby' is still cool?
I'm more interested in Skinny Puppy. I've never had the chance to actually listen to them. I only assumend I knew what they sounded like sine NIN ripped them off.
8Ball2/JanG5 said:
I'm more interested in Skinny Puppy. I've never had the chance to actually listen to them. I only assumend I knew what they sounded like sine NIN ripped them off.

They change a lot. You have the Remission and Bites era that sounds like experimental synth pop with more aggressive vocals. There's Mind and Cleanse Fold Manipulate where Dwayne joined the group. Rabies combines some metal guitars from Ministry(Al Jourgensen played guitar on Tin Omen). Too Dark Park is my favorite and there's Last Rites which is their most experimental release. The Process and The Greater Wrong of the Right are their most mainstream stuff. Youtube has plenty of videos so here are some of the best ones.

Ohgr (sideproject)

Skinny Puppy
Iceman/Psylocke said:
Will I get banned if I claim that 'Ice Ice Baby' is still cool?
Um, what are you implying?
Greatest mash-up video? I don't know, I saw one that was the video for Billy Joel's "Uptown Girls" set to Britney Spears' "Toxic." That was pretty funny and well done. I haven't watched this one yet but I will.
KingOfDreams said:
Greatest mash-up video? I don't know, I saw one that was the video for Billy Joel's "Uptown Girls" set to Britney Spears' "Toxic." That was pretty funny and well done. I haven't watched this one yet but I will.

Well, one of the reasoons this is so good is because of the groups chosen. I mean SP is just one of those bizarre underground bands and it seems like it wouldn't go together and it actually works. Also, there's a joke in the SP community about Ogre rapping in that Cracker video I posted above(Ohgr sideproject video) about him being Vanilla Ice.

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