The Simpsons Family Elimination Game


Lex Luthor
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Of course I could have done this and had every character ever but the list would be huge. So I think sticking with the main family characters should work fine. I hope you all know the rules but if you do not here goes.

See the list below? Just pick two characters and for one take away a point and for another add a point. This will happen until we have a winner.

You can post as much as you want but you must wait at least 60 minutes between your own posts.

Here is the list.

Homer - 10
Marge - 10
Maggie - 10
Lisa - 10
Bart - 10

The list starts with each character having 10 points. I will post first to get the ball rolling.

Remember when a charater is taken to ZERO (0) points they are out. If your post takes a character out please state that they are out and remove them from the list.

When a winner is found I will set up a new thread for the next famous family. I think that trend will go well. If no winner is found after one month the character with the highest number of points wins. Thank you for playing :)
Homer +
Marge -

Homer - 11
Marge - 9
Maggie - 10
Lisa - 10
Bart - 10

*(Just follow this example when you post stating who you added and took away in terms of points and it should all go well)*
Maggie +
Lisa -

Homer - 11
Marge - 9
Maggie - 11
Lisa - 9
Bart - 10
Homer +
Lisa -

Homer - 12
Marge - 9
Maggie - 11
Lisa - 8
Bart - 10
Homer - 11
Marge - 10
Maggie - 10
Lisa - 9
Bart - 10

:huh: I still don't know what this is for.
Homer +
Bart -

Homer - 12
Marge - 10
Maggie - 10
Lisa - 9
Bart - 9
Maggie +
Bart -

Homer - 12
Marge - 10
Maggie - 11
Lisa - 9
Bart - 8
Homer +
Lisa -

Homer - 13
Marge - 10
Maggie - 11
Lisa - 8
Bart - 8

*(Venom JR - make sure you add-subtract for only 2 characters and say which ones you do)*
Homer +
Lisa -

Homer 14
Marge 10
Maggie 11
Lisa 7
Bart 8
Maggie +
Lisa -

Homer 14
Marge 10
Maggie 12
Lisa 6
Bart 8
Bart +
Lisa -

Homer 14
Marge 10
Maggie 12
Lisa 5
Bart 9
Bart +
Marge -

Homer 14
Marge 9
Maggie 12
Lisa 5
Bart 10
Homer +
Marge -

Homer 15
Marge 8
Maggie 12
Lisa 5
Bart 10
Maggie +
Lisa -

Homer 15
Marge 8
Maggie 13
Lisa 4
Bart 10
Maggie +

Homer 14
Marge 8
Maggie 14
Lisa 4
Bart 10
Maggie +
Bart -

Homer 14
Marge 8
Maggie 15
Lisa 5
Bart 8
Homer +
Bart -

Homer 15
Marge 8
Maggie 15
Lisa 5
Bart 7
Bart +
Lisa -

Homer 15
Marge 8
Maggie 15
Lisa 4
Bart 8
Lisa +
Homer -

Homer 14
Marge 8
Maggie 15
Lisa 5
Bart 8
Maggie +
Lisa -

Homer 14
Marge 8
Maggie 16
Lisa 4
Bart 8
Bart +
Lisa -

Homer 14
Marge 8
Maggie 16
Lisa 3
Bart 9
Homer +
Lisa -

Homer 15
Marge 8
Maggie 16
Lisa 2
Bart 9
Bart +
Marge -

Homer 15
Marge 7
Maggie 16
Lisa 2
Bart 10
Homer +
Lisa -

Homer 16
Marge 7
Maggie 16
Lisa 1
Bart 10

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