Arrow This show has redeemed itself in my eyes *SPOILERS*


Aug 12, 2012
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I had intense trepidations going into this show. Ollie snapping necks? His sister is Speedy? Merlyn the Magician is just some dorky friend of his?

I'm so glad it has redeemed itself over the past three episodes (tonight's was great--I had called it when they first revealed
Tommy's father was the evil dude talking to Ollie's mother, AND that they showed him fencing
, but still wasn't sure they would commit to an actual representation in line with the comics). They have definitely delivered (the numerous Batman references tonight also helped), and now with the news that there will be an actual Roy Harper Speedy/Red Arrow I can now proclaim myself a true convert.

Was anyone else holding out on fully liking this show or were you all already liking it pretty good? Not until the Huntress episodes did it finally start to click with me.
I had intense trepidations going into this show. Ollie snapping necks? His sister is Speedy? Merlyn the Magician is just some dorky friend of his?

I'm so glad it has redeemed itself over the past three episodes (tonight's was great--I had called it when they first revealed
Tommy's father was the evil dude talking to Ollie's mother, AND that they showed him fencing
, but still wasn't sure they would commit to an actual representation in line with the comics). They have definitely delivered (the numerous Batman references tonight also helped), and now with the news that there will be an actual Roy Harper Speedy/Red Arrow I can now proclaim myself a true convert.

Was anyone else holding out on fully liking this show or were you all already liking it pretty good? Not until the Huntress episodes did it finally start to click with me.

Hear, hear.

I always thought the show was good from the pilot, but definitely since they introduced Helena/Huntress. That was a great arc for Ollie, and now with the Dark Archer, I can say that it's definitely stepped up as one of the better shows on TV. :up:
I'll have to disagree with you guys on the Helena storyline, other than that I'm loving it :)
I had zero expectations for this show, then after watching the first episode it blew me away! I went into the second episode with these expectations and again it blew me away.

I can't say for me personally there has been a bad episode, one that I didn't enjoy. It's not an amazing show by any means but what it is is consistent with its quality. If Smallville got 10 seasons then this show deserves just as many.
I had zero expectations for this show, then after watching the first episode it blew me away! I went into the second episode with these expectations and again it blew me away.

I can't say for me personally there has been a bad episode, one that I didn't enjoy. It's not an amazing show by any means but what it is is consistent with its quality. If Smallville got 10 seasons then this show deserves just as many.
They writters do a good job not making it a soap opera bullcrap like Smallville did while still keeping the romance alive. The characters know what is going on among them and it doesnt take 2 seasons to find out that Laurel has a thing with Tommy.

Its a good show ! i want to say better its than smallville but its a bit early for that, i also feel it has more liberty to do whatever with DC characters, there is no "no tights no flights" and i hope there is no humanized Supervillains and Superheroes either. (doomsday wtf in smallvile :p )
The show is a little bit genius. The only thing I think was weak was Helena Bertinelli, De Gouw's performance was terribly weak and her storyline was a bit clunky, imho. But everything else, even the at times jaw slappingly obvious TDK-trilogy references, is a bit brilliant.

From the beginning they set Merlyn up with Tommy Merlyn making people upset and wonder about how the best friend turns villain Smallville style, but that was clearly never the plan. Fracking Brilliant, and requires an understanding of, and appreciation for the fans, even before the show had fans.

Me personally, I think they could have held off on Speedy, especially since he's going to be basically the same age as Oliver. I think their weak handling of Huntress demonstrates they're not quite ready to make superheroes into full believable characters in two episodes. Too much has to be rushed: the costume, the motivation/origin story. Needs more time in the slow cooker.

But the show really does continue to deliver quality and twists and action. That's more than most shows do, that's for sure.
People keep saying Roy is going to be the same age as Oliver, but he's being introduced as a love interest for Thea, which would indicate that he's quite a few years younger... Thea is 17 (according to the arrow wiki) and oliver 27.
I had zero expectations for this show, then after watching the first episode it blew me away! I went into the second episode with these expectations and again it blew me away.

I can't say for me personally there has been a bad episode, one that I didn't enjoy. It's not an amazing show by any means but what it is is consistent with its quality. If Smallville got 10 seasons then this show deserves just as many.

Same here. agreed

Fracking Brilliant, and requires an understanding of, and appreciation for the fans, even before the show had fans.

cool words.

Anyway the show has done a lot of good, my biggest complain with the show is some of the questionable casting, there have been some very poor choices:

Katie Cassidy as Laurel -miscast & teribble acting, enough said
John Barrowman as Merlyn -Miscast, as Tommy's dad he is fine but not right as Merlyn. Let his son take over, he will be a more convincing Merlyn.
Jessica De Gouw as Huntress -terrible acting, looks like a helena just fine, but bad actor.
Will Holland as Thea -miscast and terrible acting enough said again

This has been very disappointing especially the two regular female leads, you just don't give out big roles like that to bad actors:argh:.
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