Smackdown vs Raw 2008 seems to have a particular amount of sore losers. Guys that quit the matches early and so on. So, bit of background, I've created a title and managed to build it up to the full 5 star rating. I wanna see if I can get moved up on the title leaderboard by defending the title in more matches. So I created a First Blood match, this guy comes in with over 100 wins and roundabout as many loses, so I think, hmm maybe this guy will be a bit of a challenge. I ask him to go get his own title to put on the line, which he does, a crappy one star belt, but I shrug and say fair enough and play on. Early on I'm kicking his ass. I get a chair and start beating him with it a few times. As soon as he's up he gets out of the ring. He basically starts calling me a cheating ******. And I'm like, 'how the **** am I cheating?', and he's like 'you have to use weapons you're a cheater', and I say 'but it's a first blood match, you're allowed to use weapons', and the guy is seriously yelling at this point, and using a string of insults like ****** and ******, and I'm like, 'the weapons are allowed but fine, I'll fight you without a weapon'. But he continues to stand outside the ring. And this is different from other times guys have stood outside the ring waiting for their chance to get back in - this guy basically doesn't wanna play anymore and is crying like a girl because I was beating him.
Everytime I'd get out of the ring, he'd run away, and he'd laugh while doing it which was a little annoying, but the whole time I was thinking, 'I've never played against such a sore loser before'. The whole time the guy won't shutup about how I'm cheating, how I must have cheated to get the prestige up on my belt, how I have to use weapons, etc. I'm insulting him back at this point, calling him a pathetic whining (!), calling him a (!) when he would run away, and so on. I'm like, 'look, I'll even put the chair outside the ring, let you come back in and we'll just fight', and he's like 'no, I'm just gonna stand out here. I can do this all day'. And I'm saying stuff like, 'you realize this is only a video game, right? Ya seriously need anger management classes (you should have heard this guy's angry yells). Do you act like such a whiney ***** in real life? If you don't want to play just turn it off', and he's like 'no way, I don't want you to get the win', so I say 'so just fight me then', and he's saying he won't fight me, he's just gonna stand there until I quit. And he's also saying stuff like, 'it's not called a video game it's called a computer game you ******!!' which is so ****ing stupid. So yeah it gets to the point where I'm insulting the guy and calling him a pathetic sore loser that gets in a hissy fit when he loses games, and he's calling me all sorts of names, and I'm like 'if you think using weapons is cheating you should have said at the start, how the hell was I supposed to know you'd throw a hissy fit'. And he's calling me a 'scottish ****er', and I'm saying 'I'm not even scottish you ****ing dumbass'.
Long story short, the more I say he's throwing a hissy fit, the angrier he gets, but I'm realizing he has no intention of fighting me, he's just gonna wait me out. And I worked hard for that title lol, wasn't anyway I was gonna let this guy have it. It was probably about ten minutes later when he eventually stopped running away and got in the ring, at which point I proceeded to kick his ass without weapons, at which point he accused me of cheating again saying I was using the same moves, which wasn't even true. He threw another hissy fit, and I'm guessing he just put the controller down or threw it or something because he stopped fighting back, and in a really whiney voice he said 'I'm not playing now!'. After the match he sent me a voice message calling me a 'welsh ******', lol. Never in my life! Never in my life have I played someone that took losing so badly.
I asked what age he was, he said he was 21.
The next match I had was a steel cage match, I was ready for climbing out the cage and the other guy quit the match making it result in a draw :???: