Woman gets power shut off for a penny.

lazur said:
Dunno. She apparently had a history of not paying. I think if she was habitually in default, I'd have shut it off for the penny also. A bill is a bill. You pay it and you pay it in FULL or suffer the consequences of not paying it in FULL.
A ****ing penny! What kind of machievellian bull **** is that! You gotta be ****ing kidding me!
Oh, God. I agree with lazur. I feel so...dirty...

**** GTFO & go use wood and fire, for fire, is what our Lord in heaven hath blessed us with, to warm our home, light our world and cook our food, amen, praise be to the Lord, amen.
Siva's a thread-makin' maCHAYNE, y'all.:eek:

EDIT:I mean "ma-Shay-Hayne".
Ian will either be very elated, or very depressed to hear that you think he's a chick.
Or do the Hype-Prudes have a prob with man-nipple now too?
I'm certain I've seen the Hulk's nipples many times. :)
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Ian will either be very elated, or very depressed to hear that you think he's a chick.
Or do the Hype-Prudes have a prob with man-nipple now too?
I'm certain I've seen the Hulk's nipples many times. :)

The Hulks a free spirit.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Ian will either be very elated, or very depressed to hear that you think he's a chick.
Or do the Hype-Prudes have a prob with man-nipple now too?
I'm certain I've seen the Hulk's nipples many times. :)
If a moderator thinks at first glance that it's a female, they will ban you and ask no questions later.
Well if that happened someone else would point it out and he'd get unbanned. Maybe no one would come to his aid if he was a new user with 3 posts that nobody knew how to get ahold of, but this is Will.
Honey Vibe said:
If a moderator thinks at first glance that it's a female, they will ban you and ask no questions later.
Hmmm...they must not be big fans of the Cult.
If I got banned for a shirtless male I would laugh so hard and the idiot would never live it down, ever.

I gotta email Ian and tell him how pretty you all think he is. :)
8Ball2/JanG5 said:
Maybe no one would come to his aid if he was a new user with 3 posts that nobody knew how to get ahold of, but this is Will.
I. Am. WIL
I hardly notice the nipple at all and even if I did, it's quite apparent that he does not have breasts.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Siva's a thread-makin' maCHAYNE, y'all.:eek:

EDIT:I mean "ma-Shay-Hayne".
This dude wouldn't last 5 minutes in prison.
She should live in a shelter. Power's free there.

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