Wow! What a steal!

Wow, someone thinks highly of their collection. Or thinks pretty low of collectors.
seriously, where the hell do these people get the idea these books are worth this much?
Elijya said:
seriously, where the hell do these people get the idea these books are worth this much?

my guess is the guy told a friend that he had Spiderman #1 and said friend, not knowing the difference, exclaimed "dude...that's worth a fortune!!"

...or what wolverine25th said!!
DAMN. If I didn't already pay $500 for it before, I would grab that in a HEARTBEAT.....:(
I got all my Spidey #1s in a huge batch I bought fer $40. ;-)
By ALL Spider-Man #1's, which ones do you mean? Or do you mean the different variations of the first copy of "Spider-Man" 1?
he just means all the ones he has
No, I meant all th' variations of that issue that I do have. I don't have ALL of them, maybe half, but as I said bought them in a batch. Forget how many there were total I bought, but it was a helluva haul.
It's a tempting buy of course, but I'll pass. ;)
one of us should win the bids on all those and then not buy them just to save any poor suckers who would think they're worth that much
and if you don't pay, you stick him with the sellers fees

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