X-Men: The Last Stand starring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, and a million others dares to thrill audiences this Summer, as the most ambitious film in the X-Men franchise. But does it succeed? Mostly yes, and partly no, depending on who you ask.
The film is easily the most emotional of the three, digging into your mind and making you really think about issues such as a cure for the mutant gene. Compare mutants to any minority in the world, and you can see why the X-Men property as a whole seem to be so deep. I myself was not a fan of the comics, but I was a fan of the films, so please bare with me if I sounds 'out of the loop' on some things.
Director Brett Ratner really managed to make this film more action-packed, and epic in scope. I enjoyed Bryan Singer's X-Men films, but there was always something I felt was missing. He would always get the drama aspect of the films right, but in terms of action, it always felt flat. Not here. X3 got the 'Fantastic Four' approach, in terms of action (that's not a negative). We finally get to see the X-Men work as a team, and use their powers for more than show and tell.
I was one of many people who didn't know if Ratner could pull it off. With the time he had, I think he did exceptional. Not to say that this film is flawless, because it's not. I would say there was about 30 percent of the film that I just did not like, mainly because it felt like something was missing.
I don't know if this was a final cut or a test, but there are certain editing choices that left me scratching my head (Rogue's finale, Cyclops' role, scenes that felt off due to certain special effects). Maybe they'll fix these slight problems. I wasn't sure if this was the final cut/ print or not.
The film feels a bit short. I'm estimating the print I saw at around an hour and 40 minutes. After we get past the main titles, the film races at a quick speed and doesn't let you rest. It might depend on who you ask. Some my think it works for the film, and others might hate it. Personally, I didn't like that.
Many characters got no development, since there was simply no time. Dania Ramirez as Callisto was one of the more interesting new mutants, but you really didn't get to know what she really was about. Ok, she runs fast, kicks Storm's butt for a second, and looks stunning in leather, but what else? I would love to see her future films for more backstory, but that probably won't happen.
Anthony (XMF's webmaster) told me to look out for certain things, to see if they were in the film. Is Gambit in? Not that I know of. I didn't see any flaming cards anywhere. Is Jubilee in this film? I barely noticed Kea Wong. Are Sentinels in? Yes, in one fun scene. Does Bobby use his ice slide? No, but the character ices up, finally!
Famke Janssen returns as Jean Grey...wait? Didn't she die in X2 at Alkali lake? She did, but this time out they explain her coming back due to a cacoon she formed around herself under water. This is definitely not the Jean Grey we knew before. At her first arrival, we get to see an awesome display of what she can really do. If that's not an entrance, then I don't know what is.
Janssen thrills in her role, and gets one of the more interesting plots compared to the other characters in the film. Too bad she didn't say much. I can't remember exactly how much the character spoke in the film, but it was a lot less than I was expecting.
Hugh Jackman, and Halle Berry return as Wolverine and Storm, respectively. They are really the main characters of X3. The 'eyes' of the film, so to speak. I'll wasn't very impressed with Wolverine's role in this film, because it was the same stuff we saw in X-Men, and X2. I felt that he hadn't really gone through much evolution since the first time we saw him, he's just always the 'bad ass' character, who has a heart.
Halle Berry did much, much better this time out. I was not a fan of her character in X-Men, and thought her role in X2 was ok, but forced. In this film, they really put attention towards the character. In my opinion, Storm is the baddest character in this film, right next to Jean Grey, and Ian McKellen's Magneto. She flies, turns herself into a tornado, and whoops collective booty. Unfortunately, she doesn't go one on one with Jean in the final battle, which is what fans probably really wanted to see.
The special effects for the most part were really well done. Shawn Ashmore's Bobby, and Aaron Stanford's Pyro have an expensive looking battle, where the Iceman ices up! Clear your mind about why Bobby's ice can bend and not crack, and just enjoy the scene! It's little things the effects wizards probably forgot about, but oh well. Storm's effects look good, and beautiful as always. Jean Grey is scary as hell in this film. I really have to give them kudos for where they took her character in terms of effects...really wicked, but where's the pink flames from X2? Where's the continuity?
Missing from X3 is Xavier's speech, which was on focus at the beginning of X-Men, and X2. Not sure why they didn't include one, because there was one in the first film trailer. It kind of screwed with the continuity of things. Also, make sure you stay after the credits. They never did this in the other films, but there's a scene that'll pop up, that should make you smile!
Is this the end of the X-Men franchise? Judging by this film, I would say that this really isn't the last stand. There's a feeling of calm at the end, but many of the character's story arcs are still left wide open for possible future use. Some characters who should've got complete closure, don't really get any. It's all open to interpretation, really.
So my final word. Did X-Men: The Last Stand succeed? Yes. If you can forgive about 30 percent of the film, the product as a whole really works, and is a fitting chapter in the X-Men saga. It's better than the first X-Men, and is mostly on par with X2. I loved X2 more for the overall storyline and dramatics, but I love X3 more for the action, and shocking moments. Either way you put it, the X-Men trilogy should go down in history as one of the most solid trilogies in the comic book medium.
Grade: B