The Xbox brand is dying? Do you pay attention to anything?
Do you?
Yes, the brand is dying, only a blind can´t see that.
This is not the same as to say that it isn´t selling, because that would be just ignorant from my part, but people are starting to get tired of Microsoft, especially outside the US.
I can tell you right now that, if Microsoft doesn´t change their ways fast, not only will Sony get second place this gen, the Xbox will be a hard selling next gen.
You went from being a MS happy dude to anti MS in the snap of a finger. Honestly, and this is just my assessment, i think you are so worried about being called a MS fanboy(which you have in the past), you just bash MS at every chance you get.
First of all, to call me a MS fanboy was one of the most ridiculous i´ve ever seen in this boards, and i never understood why.
It all started with......(honestly, i don´t remember his/her/it/alien/robot/talking animal username), and then people jumped into the bandwagon.
But, like hippie_hunter, i never once cared (nor will i ever) that people thought or think of me as such.
It´s is the internet, i would be a fricking moron if i cared about what anyone might called me.
No one on the net is a person, but a bunch of ideas and opinions.
I´m not a fanboy about anything, why would i be about a fricking company and console?
I´m a games guy, i care for the games, that´s it.
Now, if you call me a fan...
I was a fan, honestly, i still am, i loved the 360 back in 2007 when i bought it, and i still have the insane dream of Microsoft waking up and see the crap they have been doing, that´s why i argue about it, because i still have a tiny bit of hope and because i bought the console 3 years ago, i choose it insted of the PS3, and now i´ve been thinking that i did the wrong choise, and it´s frustrating and infuriating.
Now, i´ve been upset with Microsoft since those days, now, i just can´t stand them anymore.
From the lack of exclusives, to the lack of first parties, to the timely exclusives and stupid deals, to the overprice DLC, to making people pay for something the majority don´t want (facebook, twitter,, to don´t caring for their fanbase outside the US (or even inside the US, they only care for your money) and making them pay the same and lacking almost every feature....the list goes on.
And now this, the price increase.
Sure, i´m not going to be affected by it...yet, but, even so, it sucks.
And one of the reason is the ESPN, i´m sure (it doesn´t take a rocket scientist to arrive to that conclusion), which many people in the Major Nelson blog is saying that they don´t want.
Now, look at Sony....
You have a choise, you only get PSN+ if you want to.
In the Xbox, you pay, and that´s don´t want that feature, too bad, you´ll pay for it anyway.