Xbox Xbox Series X Thread

AC Shadows tease.
Stalker 2? Been wanting to see more from this (with the development understandably delayed)
Don't want to see any execs this year after the layoffs.

Guess Gears will be the finale for this show.
And yes here it comes!!

My baby, and looking good so far - miss young Marcus and that song.
Looks like that's the showcase done and now the BOps 6 Direct.
I do think it's funny they bought up all the third party games to show at their show. But at the same time, end up making it clear what is third party, because it's not coming day 1 to gamepass. :hehe:
Stalker 2? Been wanting to see more from this (with the development understandably delayed)
It looks great. Whether it ends up being good or bad, I feel like I have to support the devs.
It looks great. Whether it ends up being good or bad, I feel like I have to support the devs.
I hope the game is received well after all the studio will have gone through to get the game out.
Overall great showcase, very happy with that.

Just realised even though we finally saw some elusive games like Perfect Dark and State of Decay 3, still nothing from Everwild or Contraband.
Summary of games covered:

Perfect Dark looking Deus Ex af. That was a damn fine showcase. Even the games I have zero interest in were presented well and there was nothing as generic looking as Concord lol
Great showcase Xbox slate of games look really good !
I wanted to see more Fable and Avowed gameplay, also expected Gears (6) gameplay, but I thought it was a great showcase. Well paced, with tons of titles that nearly all looked worth playing. Actually felt a bit like an old school E3 showcase, minus any huge surprise announcements.
Eff yeah Doom! Long overdue for more ripping and tearing
I'm so happy that the 2 Dooms since the reboot have been so great and this one is looking even better. The weapons are awesome and feel like they have serious weight to them and the villains are beautiful too. :beaming:
I'm so happy that the 2 Dooms since the reboot have been so great and this one is looking even better. The weapons are awesome and feel like they have serious weight to them and the villains are beautiful too. :beaming:
Yeah I wonder how it’s going to sound without Mick Gordon? I will miss him

**** off Phil

For real. **** this

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