You're the only one here that reviews these figures. You've already reviewed a few before, like the A-Team. To me, it would just make more sense to have all your reviews in one spot, instead of creating a new one every time.
And honestly, me personally, I just find it annoying. Sorry.
No offence but I can think of no other way to say this, I am sorry you find it annoying but your personal annoyance is not a compelling reason to do something that is obviously going to get my reviews even less noticed. post these reviews here because I thought some people might be interested in what I am (and according to the hit counter on my website, a few people are, sure I get more hits from other sites, but there are still enough hits from here that I figure I should keep posting).
The fact is this board does not allow for thread title changes (not that I mind just statement of fact, unless there is a way I have not been able to find) as such no one would know if there was a general comment or a new review. That is annoying.
I post on tons of other boards (Comic, Toy and even Sci-Fi related) and make new threads for new reviews there as well, Most of them I have posted much longer than here and no complaints about it being annoying there.
By "these figures" and mentioning A-Team I must assume you mean 1:18th scale, so do the same "one thread apply" to all other superhero products? It doesn't look like it just scanning the boards so I must wonder why my reviews are singled out?
Sorry as I said I am not offended, just perplexed. I am not sure why you are annoyed, but honestly there is nothing forcing you to click on the threads either, its not like I post that many reviews (although this month has been an exception due to the volume of figures I have been getting).
I am sorry you are annoyed but I don't see a valid reasono change how I do things.