zedin1 said:
nosebleed said:but i don't think luthor is bald in these movies
Thanks, I use a combo of illustrator and photoshop.nosebleed said:man, you are my new hero!! this animated gif is so awesome...his transformation is perfect. i hope optimus looks as cool in the movie as he does here. all your superman stuff is pretty good too...but i don't think luthor is bald in these movies. what do you color with? illustrator? great stuff man!!
Have faith grasshopper.Sonki said:AWSOME SUPES!
too bad the movie wont look like that
I know. I didnt sign up either.lol Im just taking the person who posted it in another forums word for it. Shes a mod a brandonrouth.com. Shes always been reliable.Emerald Knight said:http://smh.com.au/articles/2005/07/...l?oneclick=true
...user only...
zedin1 said:I know. I didnt sign up either.lol Im just taking the person who posted it in another forums word for it. Shes a mod a brandonrouth.com. Shes always been reliable.
That and milkshake in a bubblrbath. I swear by it. Any relationship troubles can be solved by drinking a milkshake while in a bubble bath. Try it.Emerald Knight said:that makes everything better.
zedin1 said:
zedin1 said:
Thanks bob. Nice avvie. I love it.incredible_bob said:Some good vector art you got going here. I especially enjoy the "superboy" with tractor/Superman with rock wallpaper dealie. Very nice.
And, welcome to the SHH!