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Script Rundown- Bigtime Spoilers


Strange Tales
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
FROM LATINO REVIEW (IESB got the script too)

Well here they are!
The Incredible Hulk Story Details
Date: October 2, 2007

By: Kellvin Chavez
Source: Clutch

Latino Review has done it again! The superspy that gave us some of our biggest scoops (George Miller directing JLA and Heath Ledger as The Joker), has read Ed Norton's first draft of THE INCREDIBLE HULK!

We are going to call our spy CLUTCH well because he is so clutch in these situations!

Be warned that there be spoilers ahead!

Here is what we’ve been told about THE INCREDIBLE HULK movie:

The Arctic. A MAN wearing disembarks from a tug boat and heads off into the remote wilderness. As he wanders through the ice, memories flash: a woman on the ground, flames – fuzzy and fleeting. At last he stops and removes his parka revealing a gun at his waist. His heart races as takes it in his hands and pulls the hammer back. A slight GREEN envelopes him.
A gunshot. The man falls forward, but his arms rush out to catch him: huge, muscled, green arms. The hands reach up the man’s head and come down, holding a bullet, totally flattened. We pull back and a roar echoes through the arctic wilderness.
Five years later. Brazil. BRUCE BANNER runs through the slums of Porto Verde, a pulse monitor keeping careful track of his heart rate, making sure he doesn’t get too excited. He drops by a shop to pick up a package – inside is a book on rare South American flowers. At a computer terminal, he sends a message to MR. BLUE thanking him for the book and explaining that he still has to find the flower – Bruce signs it MR. GREEN.
A few days later, Bruce enters a primitive bottling plant, putting on gloves and glasses like the rest of the Brazilian laborers around him. During beak time, Bruce talks to a supply driver who hands him a package with a leaf in it. Excited, Bruce checks his now-worn flower book and smiles.
Later, Bruce helps the factory owner repair a machine. He cuts himself, a few drops of blood landing on the bottle conveyer belt. Bruce quickly cleans it up, but misses a drop that landed in a bottle…
At his no-frills apartment, Bruce chats online with Mr. Blue. Blue asks Bruce if he has the notes on how to make the inhibitor and he replies that he does. Bruce then gets to work, using the few scientific implements he has. Hopeful, Bruce tests the purple liquid he got from the flowers on his own blood – but no change. He tells Blue it didn’t work; Blue suggests a stronger but potentially lethal dose, but Bruce replies that he doesn’t have any more. Blue then tells Bruce send him a sample of his blood. Bruce is hesitant… but decides it is his only option. He stares sadly at a picture of a beautiful woman, his wife, BETTY ROSS.
A few weeks later, in America, a woman prepares lunch for a group of children. The mother sips from a bottle – a moment later she spasms and falls to the ground, eyes rolling into the back of her head.
Later, at the office of GENERAL THUNDERBOLT ROSS, MAJOR CABOT reports that a woman got gamma sickness from a South American soda. Ross is intrigued by this. Cabot reports that it was bottled in Porto Verde, Brazil. Ross tells Cabot to get things ready – they’ve found him.
Ross watches his team prepare. They have photos of the area: the factory, Bruce’s apartment, etc. Cabot briefs the soldiers, a man named BLONKSKY leading point. She tells them that that Banner is a U.S. fugitive who stole military secrets and that they shouldn’t engage him.
Back at the bottling plant, some young RUFFIANS bother a pretty girl. Bruce does his best to ignore it, but at last steps up to defend her. The LEADER takes swings at Bruce, but he artfully dodges them. They leave, telling Bruce they’ll get him later.
At his apartment, Blue tells Bruce that there was success with a higher concentration. Bruce’s face shows hope, something he’s been waiting to hear for a long time. Bruce warns that his situation may be more complicated, but Blue seems confident that there’s a good chance it could cure him. He writes on a pad of paper: DATA FROM MAYNARD and sticks it in his pocket. Bruce packs up everything and sticks it in his pack for a quick escape, his nightly routine - just in case.
Ross’ team sneaks into area and breaks into the apartment. They attack Bruce in bed – but it’s a decoy. Bruce escapes and a chase ensues through the winding slums. Bruce makes his way to a bar near the factory, but runs smack into the punks from work. They chase after him into the factory while the soldiers also close in. Cornered, Bruce is beaten by the punks and, in cover of dark, he transforms into THE HULK.
The Hulk easily defeats the punks and soldiers and retreats into the jungle. Blonsky stares after him, in awe of the figure’s staggering size and strength.
Bruce makes his way north anyway he can. At last he crosses the border and hops a train, heading somewhere.
Ross and Blonsky meet with GENERAL GRELLER, his friend who helped him put together the South American job. Greller tries to wrap his head around what happened and tells Ross that something this powerful can’t be on the loose anymore. Afterwards, Blonsky insists he get answers about what happened, but Ross refuses. Blonsky, a decorated soldier, says he lost some friends of his and at last Ross gives in and explains everything.
Ross explains that Banner was part of an early experiment to create super soldier serum, but the funding was running out. In the eleventh hour of the project, Banner was so certain of his research that he tested it on himself – that’s when everything went to hell. Ross tells Blonsky that Banner is a scientist, not a soldier, and that he doesn’t understand that the power he holds belongs to the U.S. and should be used as a weapon. Ross then asks Blonsky if he’d be willing to take a shot of the serum, to have an edge against Banner when they face off again. Blonsky is more than willing.
Bruce goes to the university where Betty works – the same place his accident happened. Bruce sees her – with another man, SAMSON.
Bruce hides out with STAN, an old friend who owns a pizza place. He manages to sneak into his former lab at MAYNARD HALL (from the note) to find his old data, but finds it has all been erased. Later, as he discusses this with Stan, Betty and Samson come in. Betty catches a glimpse of Bruce and chases after him. They are reunited and Bruce agrees to go with her and Samson.
At Betty and Samson’s place, the three chat and Bruce smiles, the first time in a great while. He later talks to Samson, who explains he is a psychiatrist and even though he is sad Betty can’t be totally his, he is happy Bruce is alive. He also says that Betty has refused to talk about anything involving Bruce. Bruce says he hurt Betty and can never forgive himself for what happened, even though he would never let it happen again. Samson is still suspicious.
The next day, Betty goes to take Bruce to the bus station so he can go see Br. Blue, but Ross’ men get to him and a big battle ensues on the college campus. Betty pleads with her father to leave him alone, but Ross refuses to listen. The Hulk faces off against Blonsky, stronger and faster than before, but still no match for Bruce’s alter ego.
Badly wounded, the Hulk escapes with Betty, leaving behind a trail of destruction and a nearly-dead Blonsky. Enraged that the Hulk escaped and that his DAUGHTER is with him, Ross speaks with Samson, saying he did the right thing by calling. Samson wonders if he did, mentioning that the Hulk protected Betty better during the battle than her own father did. Samson informs Ross he won’t help him anymore and Ross storms off.
Blonsky is badly wounded – every bone in his body broken. His doctor says that if Blonsky even survives, he’ll be paralyzed.
Bruce and Betty travel to see Dr. Blue, laying low in cheap motels and rekindling their love. Betty pawns her mother’s necklace for cash – Bruce feels bad but Betty says they’ll get it back someday.
Back at the hospital, Blonsky has made a remarkable recovery – not only has he healed entirely, but he is stronger and healthier than before. Ross gives him more shots and Blonsky smiles, a little too happy with his power.
Bruce and Betty arrive in New York City – Columbia University, the lab of Dr. Blue aka DR. STERNS. Meanwhile, Cabot figures out where the two were headed and warns Ross, who prepares his team for New York. En route, a soldier asks a ripped and muscular Blonsky how he feels – “Like a monster,” he replies.
Sterns attempts to treat Bruce. He is amazed and shocked by Bruce’s transformation as the procedure seemingly malfunctions; at last, Bruce turns back to himself, the treatment outwardly effective.
As the team prepares their assault, Sterns shows Bruce his creations – animals Sterns injected with Bruce’s DNA. Bruce is mad, saying they must all be destroyed lest they fall into the government’s hands. Sterns replies that Bruce is paranoid – just as a sniper shoots Bruce with a dart. Bruce falls and is taken captive, Betty following after.
Ross and his team fly away in a chopper, happy that they’ve finally caught him. But back at the lab, the steroid-filled Blonsky forces Sterns to inject him with Bruce’s DNA.
In the distance, the occupants of the copter notice a huge explosion – something wrong has happened at the lab. A huge, hulking creature is destroying New York – Blonsky has become… an ABOMINATION.
Ross has no way to stop him and he realizes that Bruce may be their only hope, but after Sterns’ treatment, can he even transform? The back door of the copter opens and, high above the city, Bruce jumps, about to find out…
I enjoyed it - Norton did a good job with things. I loved how the first act played everything out - I really appreciate the little details woven in. The action scenes were great - I'm curious how Leterrier will handle them - but I'm sure they'll be entertaining - they have every potential to be and Leterrier was on his game with the Transporter films. I think this is a good set up for the franchise/Avengers movie down the line, at least, better than Ang Lee's was.
This is what the first movie should of been like in the first place.
It actually sounds like a continuation of Angs film, just for the fact that his ended somewhere in South America, and voila, here's Bruce in Brazil.
I'm thinking the emphasis on the LEADER was unnecessary because they must not have meant the crazy big headed guy.
I ended up skimming threw it, seems good, but this is just partial right? Seems like he Hulks out 2 or 3 times only, in the beginning I think, when he's cornered by punks, and presumably for a showdown with the abomination.
It looks like a continuation of the Ang Lee film, but in the part where Ross explains to Blonsky about Banner's part in the military project etc etc, it would be good if he was talking about Bruce's father, and not Bruce himself. Then it would tie-in very nicely with the 1st movie, save for some details (like Betty being Bruce's wife).
Other than that, it's not bad at all, it's all about the execution now.
It sounds good and I will be excfited to see this. There are some ties to the first movie but I see them more as coincidences. I hope the script will play be played out great on the big screen.
Well probably more then a coincidence, the script was originally conceived as some sort of sequel, so what I see Norton doing is just omitting wholesale references, and left it to ambiguity.
Not to bad, hope they get a good budget.
So it's a sequel after all. I thought it was a re-start.
Serum!? Super Soldier??? Serum!!!??? It's the Incredible Captain Hulk America.


Complete crap. Why can't they get this Sh!^ right? !
So now instead of Banners Dad experimenting on himself it’s Banner experimenting on himself. I hope this is a crock. If not I'm completely done. I have no hope for this movie or franchise.
So it's a sequel after all. I thought it was a re-start.

What Letterier has said before is it is a new franchise that relates to the old movie

like Hulk is a stand alone movie, with its own story (more of a tragedy of love etc) and this is the spin-off of that story (Banner trying to cure himself)

so its not necessarily a sequel, but it is at the same time
Serum!? Super Soldier??? Serum!!!??? It's the Incredible Captain Hulk America.


Complete crap. Why can't they get this Sh!^ right? !
So now instead of Banners Dad experimenting on himself it’s Banner experimenting on himself. I hope this is a crock. If not I'm completely done. I have no hope for this movie or franchise.

I 100% agree CJ, this sounds like garbage to me, not to mention it sounds lacking in action as well. Poor, very poor, dont even bother next time Marvel.
I am not so sure that I like the suèper soldier theme but it looks like they are going with the Ultimate universe and not 616 regarding that. I guess they consider the gamma bomb scenario does not work. And there is no Rick Jones.

However, I remain excited to see the rest.
Oh man, I hoped my thread would have been used for this discussion... I thought it had such a cool title too...guess I should have post that spoiler text on my thread... but fine, I'll just ask some mod to close it. :(
I am not so sure that I like the suèper soldier theme but it looks like they are going with the Ultimate universe and not 616 regarding that. I guess they consider the gamma bomb scenario does not work. And there is no Rick Jones.

However, I remain excited to see the rest.

I just feel drained after reading that, it sounds so cliche and 'seen it all before' its unbelievable.
Whats with the lack of action, I thought if anything, this movie would be non-stop action.
What's with the Captain America origin? Like I said, I hope this is a crock.
Serum!? Super Soldier??? Serum!!!??? It's the Incredible Captain Hulk America.


Complete crap. Why can't they get this Sh!^ right? !
So now instead of Banners Dad experimenting on himself it’s Banner experimenting on himself. I hope this is a crock. If not I'm completely done. I have no hope for this movie or franchise.


Looks like this is the Hulk in the movie..'cept green. I have no real complaints, as much as I like his original comic origin, the gamma bomb would be dumb. Besides, the super soldier serum could play into a Captain America movie down the line.

Just trying to make the best outta it..
IF this is the whole deal and not partial, then the action seems to be of the same amount as in Ang's Hulk. Anyway, the story might not be anything exceptional (but I like the mere synopsis more than Ang's Hulk synopsis) and if they make it less dull this time, I'll be a happy viewer. Bad guys seem balanced, Doc Samson sound good.
where is Captain America mentioned?
I think that "super serum" thing is just another way to talk about research on regeneration and strenght... like in the first one, where Atheon wants Bruce Banner's blood to create a super soldier.
Same thing in "The Death of The Incredible Hulk"...
From someone who was involved a little with the production, I'm going to say take a lot of this with a grain of salt. Unless they did heavy rewrites, and everything i heard and saw was written out, some things don't really fit.
Well, this is a first draft. But it generally fits with the 2 small summaries we got the past months.
where is Captain America mentioned?
I think that "super serum" thing is just another way to talk about research on regeneration and strenght... like in the first one, where Atheon wants Bruce Banner's blood to create a super soldier.
Same thing in "The Death of The Incredible Hulk"...

"Banner was part of an early experiment to create super soldier serum"

This screams Captain America
Looks like this is the Hulk in the movie..'cept green. I have no real complaints, as much as I like his original comic origin, the gamma bomb would be dumb. Besides, the super soldier serum could play into a Captain America movie down the line.

Just trying to make the best outta it..

How so? I'll watch this movie either way, but I kinda wanted to get the whole gamma bomb thing settled once and for all. I prefer it to super-soldier serum, but I like the Ultimate storyline as well.

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