the_Horror's Drawings and Stuff

this is for another comic-- this is a darker story set in a world with vampires and warewolves... its going to be a graphic novel. I thought i would share with my fellow creatives and art fans :)

duffwiser... nice!

great stuff as always. that hunter dude has a certain remy lebeau look to him.
haha thanks-- yeah the writer wanted me to give him that sort of unshaven loner look... we'll see how he develops as I do a few more pages
heres a little something from my sketchbook-- I added some watercolors for color

thanks guys :)

I have so many drawings that havent been scanned-- Ill try to find some more stuff to show you-- Im actually in the middle of a painting of batman... ill get a photo of that up

more coming soon :)
there's something about your batman, especially the second one, which reminds me of simon bisley's interpretation in judgement on gotham. did you ever see that?
nah, I havent... At least not consciously. Ill definitely check it out! I think my batman is kind of a cross between kelly jones / tim sale / and bruce timm (im also quite a big fan of Ed McGuinness) . I need to upload the higher res version of the second, it doesnt do the details justice at that size :I
the art in judgement on gotham is fricking INSANE. def check it out... the comparison is certainly a compliment! re: the quality of the image: yeah it looks like the reduction of the image has made it go grainy... i think different image-hosts use different compression techniques because i've found some have the same problem, but imageshack has never let me down.
here is the full res drawing of bats-- so it shouldnt be pixelated any more

AH :) much better! as you can see i cropped it a bit-- looks better this way IMO
this is for another comic-- this is a darker story set in a world with vampires and warewolves... its going to be a graphic novel. I thought i would share with my fellow creatives and art fans :)


lots of new beautiful stuff... this is great! love the feel of it.
It kind of has a Sin City feel to it, how, everything is in black in white and some things are in color
ha thx Matt, tyler-d, and all -- yeah, thats the kind of tone that the writer wants me to take with that comic. B&W with hints of color-- mostly you'll see it in blood haha

Anyways, I just updated my website, if everybody could please check it out, there is a lot more examples of my work there.

Hey guys and gal :)

I just created a website for the comic I've been working on for a while now "codename: EDEN"

If you could please check it out, I've got a lot of new drawings and info up about the story so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
check it.

Let me know what you think!!!

You are the best forum on the net!

bump-- anyone up to do some coloring? I know Banquet is gonna give it a go, but time is not on our side. We want to do a big run and i am really not happy with my coloring skills when there are so many people on these boards with humongous talent.

The line art is the cover of my comic (codename EDEN), you can download the high res here:

give it a shot, it wouldnt hurt. Of course you will get full coloring credit, and if we get picked up, a monthly paying gig. We will be at the San Diego Comic-Con giving awesome people copies with the hopes of finding a publisher. If we use your color, I will send you a couple hard copies of the comic! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me

Thanks all

hey all--- so its been forever-- i know :p anyways, i havent stopped drawing, just uploading... lol anyways, feedback as always is welcome. these arent the greatest scans, because they arent scans, i took some photos with my phone... anyways, without further adieu--
Hyper sketch


Mr J


we got a really good response from comic-con, and the cover turned out great thanks to banquet :) she really did an amazing job...

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