15,000 Layer Photoshop File

Hubba Hubba!

loooooooooooooosssssseeerrrrrrrrrrrr :coolguy:
And I thought I had no life.:eek:
Kind of makes you appreciate how much detail the human eye sees. Even with blurred vision/astigmatism, a 15k-layered photoshop image seems flat compared to your eyesight.
I don't know what "15,000 Layer" means, but if there were 15,000 of anything and he had to do them one at a time, then yea... that's something...
Honey Vibe said:
Kind of makes you appreciate how much detail the human eye sees. Even with blurred vision/astigmatism, a 15k-layered photoshop image seems flat compared to your eyesight.

I think it appears flat because there is no blurring. If you focus on the foreground, the background doesn't blur the way it does when you really see something.
Holy s**t, he's talented. He could get a job in movies doing that.
It isn't a 3D model though, just a flat picture. Movie CGI is different.
captain_jimbo said:
Holy s**t, he's talented. He could get a job in movies doing that.
Like he ever leaves his mom's basement.
ampersand said:
It isn't a 3D model though, just a flat picture. Movie CGI is different.

Not if you're creating backgrounds, I'm sure they used Photoshop for the last few Star Wars movies.
captain_jimbo said:
Not if you're creating backgrounds, I'm sure they used Photoshop for the last few Star Wars movies.

You might be right, I don't know.
2,000 hours spent on creating that while I sit on my ass watching tv or playing video games.
I ride the blue line all the time. No way in hell it's ever that clean over there. :o Now if he added some massive gobs of spit on the walking area and some bums sitting next to it, then it'd be photorealistic.
Or someone getting accosted?

I think i've been to that station before. For him to invoke a memory from so long ago of a sort of ambigious/normal transtation using photoshop...

Whoa, look at the detail in that picture!
that is fuackin siiiiiiiick!!!!

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