15 Minutes: The Remake!! with SymbioticToxin


Apr 13, 2002
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with SymbioticToxin!
ParasticPoison's assigned remake movie is... NobodyReadsThisPart!​

Sign up for your own 15 Minutes thread here.

Also, Knowsbleed, remind people that a good 15 minutes, doesn't mean 1-2 word answers. Not telling people to write a novel, but at least be interesting.


Question time!!

Would you break the law to save a loved one?

To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

Regrets, tell me about them.

How's your social life and how did you get one?

Who do you feel closest to on the Hype? Who do you hate?

Why do you hate me?

Okay, okay, why DON'T you hate me?
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Name 15 superheroes you enjoy
What's the origin of your username?
What's your real (first) name?
knowsbleed is not to be hate
Your top 10 anime series
Top 10 anime films
Question time!!

Would you break the law to save a loved one?
If it came down to it, I would.

To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
In recent years, a great degree. It's taken me awhile to make most decisions, some easier than other, most not the best, but it's been all my doing ad I'm a-ok with that.

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Don't take any moment with family for granted, you don't know when they won't be there anymore.

What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Snapping, that's about it.

Regrets, tell me about them.
I have a few. I regret not having a better relationship with my dad, losing contact with my nan before she passed, letting a woman and my laziness get me held back...ya know, just to name a few.

How's your social life and how did you get one?
It's pretty good. I was pretty shy and wasn't big on socializing, but after meeting certain people who would grow to be like family, I came out of my shell more and more and, before I knew it, I was at parties makin' jokes and having a great time.

Who do you feel closest to on the Hype? Who do you hate?
Closest? Bad Supes Girl for sure.
And I don't hate anyone on here. And if I did, do you think I'd openly state who? :p

Why do you hate me?
Okay, okay, why DON'T you hate me?
You seem pretty cool, and you haven't done anything to offend me to make me think you're a terrible person, so that's why.

Name 15 superheroes you enjoy
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Captain America
Dr. Strange
Ghost Rider

What's the origin of your username?
I've always been a big Venom fan, but I was also pretty fond of Toxin. A long time ago, when looking up pictures of him on Google, one of the suggestions to me was 'Did you mean Symbiote Toxin?' and, after thinking about it for awhile and finding this site, I decided to turn symbiote into symbiotic.

What's your real (first) name?

knowsbleed is not to be hate
For now he's not. (But seriously, I can't hate knows, he hasn't done anything bad to me.)

Your top 10 anime series
Yu Yu Hakusho
Big O
Tenchi Muyo
Cowboy Bebop
Angel Beats
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gun x Sword

Top 10 anime films
It's not 10, but here ya go.

Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
The Cat Returns
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal
Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

Why do people dwell on trivial matters when the things that matter most to them are left largely ignored?

Tell me about some times in your life where you've questioned your actions.
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
Human nature. The experience. If our lives are short, then I suppose we'd want to do things just to say 'Hey, I did that in my youth' or something along those lines. Even if it's what we don't like. Liking what we don't do comes from our desire to do these things, but for one reason or another we can't or don't or won't.

If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?
Any time it's quiet enough and I'm just still. So mainly when I'm lying down to go to sleep.

What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Being alive is just that, you're alive. Truly living is getting out of your comfort zone, doing anything that could be considered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or a marvelous experience.

Why do people dwell on trivial matters when the things that matter most to them are left largely ignored?
Because it matters to them. What trivial is to one person is a big deal to another.

Tell me about some times in your life where you've questioned your actions.
Aside from some things I've done while smashed, I don't really question my actions that much...ok, that's a lie, I can recall two times I questioned my actions.
First was questioning why I dated my first girlfriend when she broke up with me to go back to her ex-bf who asked her out the day before she dumped me.
Second time was questioning why I let such a wide rift come between me and my dad all these years when I could have been a better son.
When are you going to learn to listen to E-Man and myself?

What kind of Kool-Aid do you want poured on you?

List 10 favorite Hype members and why.
When are you going to learn to listen to E-Man and myself?
When you start spoutin' wisdom, ya fool. :p

What kind of Kool-Aid do you want poured on you?
Ya'll ain't pouring kool-aid on me.....but just in case, grape kool-aid will be acceptable.

List 10 favorite Hype members and why.
Kane52630- He's made me gifs and has gotten me into Breaking Bad and Walking Dead, the former one of my favorite shows of all time.

Supperferret- His sarcasm and dry wit is admirable.

Bad Supes Girl- First legit friend I made on here and has helped me through quite a bit.

Harls- She's plucky (Yes, I just used the word plucky) and a magnificent artist.

E-Man- When he's not being, well, E-Man, he actually has some good opinions and views.

Manic- Sarcastic, like Superferret, but not in a bitter way, and very informative.

Sensi- Again, one of my first friends on here, and is just an all-around pleasant person to talk to.

JP- Another great artist and fun to talk to, helped by the SHH! Skype calls.

BizarroAids- You collect action figures, which reminds me of my Uncle, and you're oddly similar to most of the people around here who I'm friends with.

Angel_Fairie- A fellow youtube video-maker and fun to talk to.
Where's the quote in your signature from?
"The skies will rain fire, the oceans will boil, the streets will run red with the blood of billions. Only then, after your last pitiful hope is extinguished, will I end your life"

Who said it?
Do you think Kristen Stewart, Keanu Reeves and Nic Cage should make a vampire movie together?

Which hypsters would you cast as members of Camp Dinner Bell?

I supposedly two left feet, does that mean I can only go left?
Where's the quote in your signature from?
"The skies will rain fire, the oceans will boil, the streets will run red with the blood of billions. Only then, after your last pitiful hope is extinguished, will I end your life"

Who said it?
It's from Justice League Unlimited.
Darkseid said this.

Do you think Kristen Stewart, Keanu Reeves and Nic Cage should make a vampire movie together?
Hmmm.....no. Just Nic Cage. That'll be good.

Which hypsters would you cast as members of Camp Dinner Bell?
Spider-Aziz, Sensi, Duke, and Squeekness

I supposedly two left feet, does that mean I can only go left?
Nah, you're gonna go right. Ironic, ain't it?
It's from Justice League Unlimited.
Darkseid said this.

Hmmm.....no. Just Nic Cage. That'll be good.

Spider-Aziz, Sensi, Duke, and Squeekness

Nah, you're gonna go right. Ironic, ain't it?
Okay so which character would you cast them as?

And if I were to give you a slap and a tickle would you unleash a special surprise?
Okay so which character would you cast them as?
I can't cast them as anyone because, honestly, I don't know this show or whatever it is. I winged it and chose the first names to come to my head.

And if I were to give you a slap and a tickle would you unleash a special surprise?
Hmm, would I? I guess you'll just to find out or never know ;-p
What do you think of person placing his/her feet on desk? (Not dining table, that's disgusting)
Sitting in the house is better with footwear on or off?
Photography or drawing, which is more fun to do?
What do you think of person placing his/her feet on desk? (Not dining table, that's disgusting)
Well, as long as their shoesies are clean and it's not distracting, I suppose it's alright.

Sitting in the house is better with footwear on or off?
On, seeing as I go around my house with socks on at all times.

Photography or drawing, which is more fun to do?
Drawing. I'm not the best at it, but it's fun for me to draw characters I love just for fun or try to redesign them (Never works though).
Speaking of redesigning
Once in my high school years I drew Spider-Man as Jonah Jameson's private chauffeur
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?

If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

What is your greatest fear and has it come true?

Looking back on your life, what was the time that you were most upset... how does that time in your life make you feel now?
What is your favorite flavor of Kool Aid?

Will you ever go as Carnage instead of Venom for Halloween?

When will you stop drinking alcohol? It's bad for you, mmkay.

Did you cry on election night, celebrate, or just not give a ****?
Did E-Man turk ur jerb?

List 5 movies that associate with 5 hypesters.

List your favorite batman films in order from greatest to least.

If you could sleep with one person on the hype, who would it be?

awh man dey turk his jerb?! :csad:
Have you ever let E-Man serenade you?

Was it all you needed and more?
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
Sky-diving. What's holding me back is my teensy little problem with heights.

If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
There's talk in my family to move to Florida because most of my moms family is down there. Me? I'd like to move to Japan. I have a interest in Japanese culture, just need to learn Japanese.

Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
Heh, it's because of the friends I have that I'm who I am now. So I guess yes :p

What is your greatest fear and has it come true?
My biggest fear is being alone. It hasn't entirely come true yet, so we're good.

Looking back on your life, what was the time that you were most upset... how does that time in your life make you feel now?
Most upset? When my Uncle passed away. Doesn't make me feel any good.

What is your favorite flavor of Kool Aid?
You'll never get to know, son.

Will you ever go as Carnage instead of Venom for Halloween?
I might. If I can get enough make-up and can think of a creative way to do it, who knows.

When will you stop drinking alcohol? It's bad for you, mmkay.
I don't drink every weekend or anything. I'll stop drinking, however, when I'm good and dead. Or paralyzed. Whichever happens first.

Did you cry on election night, celebrate, or just not give a ****?
I celebrated and then didn't give a ****. I

Did E-Man turk ur jerb?
Dey turk or jerb?!

List 5 movies that associate with 5 hypesters.
The Big Lebowski
The Room
Amazing Spider-Man

List your favorite batman films in order from greatest to least.
Batman: Under the Red Hood
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman Returns
The Dark Knight
Batman Forever

If you could sleep with one person on the hype, who would it be?
Well, that's something you don't get to know, good sir.

man dey turk his jerb?! :csad:

Have you ever let E-Man serenade you?
I think he did once.

Was it all you needed and more?
It was all I didn't want and more.
I can't cast them as anyone because, honestly, I don't know this show or whatever it is. I winged it and chose the first names to come to my head.

Two girls go into a school, nine-hundred come out, the two girls included. If I'm asking this question topless would you be able to answer how many girls were added to the group?

Two girls go into a school, nine-hundred come out, the two girls included. If I'm asking this question topless would you be able to answer how many girls were added to the group?

I'd oggle for a bit, then tell you how many girls were added to the group, then go back to oggling. Just like John Wayne would've.
What's your favourite Power Ranger?

What's your favourite movie quote?

How often do you visit the SHH homepage?

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