What is your equivalent of reading a book when a member of your race does or says some super outlandish ****?
I dunno, probably watching porn
Have you ever gone looking for booty?
All the time. I tell everyone...
If someone put a gun to your head and told you to watch just one show, would you watch Breaking Bad or Boardwalk Empire?
Breaking Bad by an inch just because it's more quotable and memorable.
Who should we fight for the tag team titles? Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh with Ann Coulter as their valet, or R. Kelly and Val Kilmer in a Gotham City Shakedown?
R. Kelly and Val Kilmer would be a fun match but I would go with Bill O'Reilly and Rush w/Ann. They need an old fashioned slobberknocker! BAW GAWD!