A little help here.......


Rattling the cage
Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Forgive me, I'm sure this has been done to death, but I'm a Batman-fan and usually only post over there. But I'm looking for the song that was in the Spiderman 2 trailer thats all like gragorian chant and operatic and everything. It almost sounds like a military beat in the beginning and then is very powerfull. Anyone know the name of the song or could hook me up with it? It'd be greatfully appareciated.

The name is "Lacrimosa" I think. And it's from Immediate Music, who only make music for movies or trailers.
thats the name and it all, but i can't find any place to download it from, can anyone help?
That's the point... I don't think you can download it. They only make music for trailers and that stuff...
Goran said:
The name is "Lacrimosa" I think. And it's from Immediate Music, who only make music for movies or trailers.
you mean it's a modern piece that was purposely made for that trailer?

interesting...it had a more ancient feel to it, like it was taken from a mozart archive and fit the bill of what they wanted to put on top so they ran with it....

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