

Nov 29, 2009
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...five years after the initial Disney deal expired, 2012 brought news of a fresh start on the cinematic possibilities for the Abarat, with Clive quietly confident about new negotiations with an enthusiastic team. In May 2013 Clive announced that he has been working with David Barron...

"Nothing in cinema is reliable, but I have high hopes that there will be a series of ABARAT films. The project has already drawn the services of one of the most experienced producers of modern fantasy film. His name is David Barron. He was the producer of all but one of the Potter films. A great friend and a superb producer."
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By Clive Barker, 2 May 2013
I want to see these happen. Such amazing books, and Clive Barker needs all the attention he can get. I think besides Hellraiser, Clive has so many under appreciated works.
I'd also like to see a film made of The Great and Secret Show.
Who decides what fantasy books to be adapted or not?
I know of several in development hell, great work by Michele Paver, Angie Sage, Obert Skye, Philip Caveney etc.
Potential for success in several of them. But they don't stand a chance in Hollywood. It's almost like some hidden power is in control of what we should see and not.

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