"Act like an adult!"


Big damn hero
May 20, 2004
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Another thread just reminded me about this very often and widely used/accepted statement, which I often find ironic because I've seen so many instances of adults acting like spoil/ignorant children.

I've seen and heard children be witty and intelligent/insightful...and I've seen more than plenty of adults act like ignorant fools and have spoiled hissy fits in public (for christ sake look at reality tv on E! or Bravo). But then kids that actually showing intellect get "aw, lol, you're just are so cute" and their words get lost...where as adults get a fair conversation because they are "grown up and mature."

Is that fair or even smart? I don't think so. Personally I feel everyone should be treated with a certain level of respect to intellect and maturity regardless of age...I don't feel the expectation of adulthood bringing instant maturity, civility, and intellect is logical, really...so I don't think "act like an adult" should be used to try to get people to shape up. It should really be "get educated!"

Also, is acting like a child/kid always a bad thing?

What do you think?
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I feel like you just accurately described every forum on any subject across the internet.

Well done sir.

And no its not fair at all. Children are far more smart than we give credit.
I think you should act like an adult.
It's a completely hollow statement people use to make other people feel bad or and correct their behavior when they don't have a particularly strong argument as to why they should, which has seen such wide use that it's become a common stock phrase used even in situations where there are plenty of valid arguments to back up the desire for corrected behavior but people just don't feel like using them.
I think your getting hung up on a simple english idiomatic statement.
I don't necessarily see children as smarter, but I definitely see them as more tolerant of others than most adults I know.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.
I don't necessarily see children as smarter, but I definitely see them as more tolerant of others than most adults I know.

Children don't understand the concept of hatred until they're taught it.

And chronological age and mental/emotional age is definitely not always the same thing.
IMO "acting like an adult" means you've got empathy AND experience to know how to treat people using said empathy. And not just for comforting people (which children can obviously excel at) but in handling complex social situations.

Children are very tolerant, but they can be also have a very selfish mindset. Not all of them, but...a vast majority. It's pretty normal. I mean, why else would children make a big deal out of everything and teenagers be so angsty? :funny: The world simply revolves around them.

When you're an adult, you've been around the block a few times and you know more about how the world works. Namely, that nobody cares about you and so you have to handle things yourself. :funny:

But obviously, many adults don't get that memo. :oldrazz:
These days I wouldn't want to act like alot of adults out there, SERIOUSLY
And chronological age and mental/emotional age is definitely not always the same thing.

Well said. I was definitely a little slow on the uptake with emotional maturity. I think I'm just entering my teens right now. :woot:
I like to think that there should be a happy balance between utilizing both a mature behavior with your inner child when appropriate.
When it comes to you, act like an adult, seriously.
I watch more cartoons than live action TV shows. should I act more like an adult?
It's a completely hollow statement people use to make other people feel bad or and correct their behavior when they don't have a particularly strong argument as to why they should, which has seen such wide use that it's become a common stock phrase used even in situations where there are plenty of valid arguments to back up the desire for corrected behavior but people just don't feel like using them.

I acutally liked your sig video more than the thread.
I'm 30 and still don't know what "acting your age" means. I'm me, so I act like me.
I'm 20, about to be 21 in a month. I can be mature, but I still like to have fun, and sometimes act immature for kicks, but respectably. I pay my own bills, have a job, handle my school things by myself. Im responsible. And I still view myself as a kid

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