Days of Future Past Adamantium: Yes or No?

^ That doesn't make sense...

How could it be 1973 when the timeline was changed AND when Trask released his first version of the Sentinal, an invention that likely took years to design, develop and release?

No, something would have had to happen prior to 1973 to affect Trask himself, making him want to devote so much time and energy into the deveopement of the Sentinals and everything that goes along with that (inhibitor collar, mutant tracking device, etc.).

If we assume that the original timeline did not include the Sentinals (since we have seen nothing about them as of yet that would indicate they have been around since 1973) then something had to change the timeline to get Trask to develop and release the Sentinals. Somehow the government would have had to be affected to fund Trask and purchase his robots. Since it wasn't until X2 or X3 that we saw such a hightened mutant hysteria, and there were no sentinals to stop the mutants, then that timeline did not have them. So something changes in the past to make Trask and the government develop/fund/release the Sentinals. That's the originating change. Yes, Wolverine will likely be sent back to stop the release of the Sentinals, but that couldn't be the original change to the past, right?
^ That doesn't make sense...

How could it be 1973 when the timeline was changed AND when Trask released his first version of the Sentinel, an invention that likely took years to design, develop and release?

No, something would have had to happen prior to 1973 to affect Trask himself, making him want to devote so much time and energy into the development of the Sentinels and everything that goes along with that (inhibitor collar, mutant tracking device, etc.).

If we assume that the original timeline did not include the Sentinels (since we have seen nothing about them as of yet that would indicate they have been around since 1973) then something had to change the timeline to get Trask to develop and release the Sentinels. Somehow the government would have had to be affected to fund Trask and purchase his robots. Since it wasn't until X2 or X3 that we saw such a hightened mutant hysteria, and there were no sentinels to stop the mutants, then that timeline did not have them. So something changes in the past to make Trask and the government develop/fund/release the Sentinels. That's the originating change. Yes, Wolverine will likely be sent back to stop the release of the Sentinels, but that couldn't be the original change to the past, right?

your logic is sound.
i fixed it because it was driving my crazy, but sentinels is spelled with an e, not an a :)
I'm excited to see Logan in action in 1973 without adamantium.
Now he can fight with Magneto, maybe that's why Jackman said about Logan having fun.
I was thinking that "having fun" meant being older and more experienced than Xavier, Magneto, and Beast. He gets to teach them this time.
He's already older and more experienced than them though...
Jackman said wolverine has fun with it because he knows who magneto is but magneto doesn't know who he is
I'm curious to see how strong those bone claws are in DOFP, if he doesn't get his adamantium claws back.

They looked so fragile in Origins and Sabretooth broke them easily.
I'm curious to see how strong those bone claws are in DOFP, if he doesn't get his adamantium claws back.

They looked so fragile in Origins and Sabretooth broke them easily.

He was able to stab them in-between the cracks of stone and hold himself up only with the claws in The Wolverine, so I'm betting they're pretty strong. Yeah, Sabes broke them, but he also has low level super strength.
He was able to stab them in-between the cracks of stone and hold himself up only with the claws in The Wolverine, so I'm betting they're pretty strong. Yeah, Sabes broke them, but he also has low level super strength.

I just want his adamantium back :(
If his Adamantium bonding occured before 1973 and he has his Metal claws in DOFP then that would mean Origins occured before DOFP so any changes to the timestream in that year can't change anything in Origins.

I always though of his Adamantium bonding in 1979.

I guess it'll be upto Singer and Miller how it'll work on if they want to change the events of Origins or not
Origins isn't before DOFP, he won't have adamantium.
Watched again this movie, Logan got his adamantium in 1978, look at his new dog tag.
^the "T78" on his dogtags is not the year it was made or issued.. a "T" followed by a year, on dogtags is for "Tetanus", as in the year of your last Tetanus shot

its also note worthy that his dogtags in the OT were different an didn't have that number on
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We didn't have close shot to dogtag in OT movies, but we had in Origins, and they showed which year it was. 78 is year of production.
I think it's a little silly to try and use the loose timeline in the films to justify anything. We've seen the filmmakers ignore events when they want to before. So if Singer wants 1970's Wolvie to have the metal and ignore Origins, he will. Or he wont.

Personally, I wouldn't mind it if he did have the metal just because I wouldn't mind ignoring most of Origins (besides Liev really), so I'd be fine if they did that.
Perosnally, I'd prefer him without the metal in 73.

Not just as it makes no sense with Origins for him to have it then (and it simply doesn't), but when he faces the young Magneto he'll be genuinely surprised that he can hurt him, instead of being easily gestured away all the time (might even slash him by accident forgetting that Mags cannot stop stop him at all in that era, and the future Mags develops a triple scar where his younger self got slashed).
Perosnally, I'd prefer him without the metal in 73.

Not just as it makes no sense with Origins for him to have it then (and it simply doesn't), but when he faces the young Magneto he'll be genuinely surprised that he can hurt him, instead of being easily gestured away all the time (might even slash him by accident forgetting that Mags cannot stop stop him at all in that era, and the future Mags develops a triple scar where his younger self got slashed).

Yeah, it doesn't make sense for him to have the metal, but it doesn't make sense that there's a walking Xvaier in Origins or X3 either. And personally, I don't really care if they ignore Origins. And if DOFP is good, the general audience won't either. It's not like they've ever been sticklers for continuity either.

On the flip side, it would be fun to see Wolvie actually be able to pose a bit of a threat against Magneto for once. So I wouldn't mind that either.
Hopefully if there is a dispute between them they don't weaken young magneto just to make wolverine look badass

I do worry that the way to make wolverine look better has always been to make others look weak, cyclops for example

We know beast kicks magnetos ass
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it doesn't make sense that there's a walking Xvaier in Origins or X3 either

It make sense if Xavier walks at the end of DOFP, becuase uses Trask Industries technology (in comic Shi'ar technology).
Yeah, it doesn't make sense for him to have the metal, but it doesn't make sense that there's a walking Xvaier in Origins or X3 either. And personally, I don't really care if they ignore Origins. And if DOFP is good, the general audience won't either. It's not like they've ever been sticklers for continuity either.

On the flip side, it would be fun to see Wolvie actually be able to pose a bit of a threat against Magneto for once. So I wouldn't mind that either.

Having watched the "You're fired" sketch thing, seeing him be able to hurt Magneto for once would be a welcome change for me (the fake Xavier's rationale for thinking him utterly useless is hard to argue with, lol).
The OT implies that Logan got his metal claws in the mid 80's at the earliest, so there's no reason to assume it has been retconned just because other things have. As XOW has a teenage Cyclops, it makes sense that the film is set then too.

That said, DOFP should probably have Wolverine's iconic metal claws in one timeline so if it changes I can deal with that. Personally, I'd prefer he has them in the future for the sake of action. Also it would indeed be funny if Logan can be a threat to 70's Magneto for the first time.

Nicely done lol.
All are zoomed, don't remember close shot during watch trilogy, in Origins we saw dog tag nearly at full screen I could read what was written there. Thx for zooms, yeah it's different dog tag, but the one in Origins tells it was 1978.
Stryker recrute them during war in Vietnam, 6 years later can't be in mid 80's.
The OT says about 15 years, could be even 20, Stryker asked Logan, not defined period of time.
Having watched the "You're fired" sketch thing, seeing him be able to hurt Magneto for once would be a welcome change for me (the fake Xavier's rationale for thinking him utterly useless is hard to argue with, lol).

In the comics Wolverine has landed some pretty nasty blows on Magneto with his Adamantium claws. The reasons we never saw this in the movie is because:

1) There needed to have been a real team battle; Where Magneto was distracted by the other X-Men and Wolverine can get in close.

2) There needed to have been a legit Magneto battle period. The closest we got was X3 which was just Magneto lobbing cars while Pyro Ignited them.

3) Wolverine in the films has no agility. In the comics Wolverine is quick and can leap high and far. In the films he has the agility of an average man. Probably the most impressive scenes were when he leaped off the balcony in X2 and when he jump down from the tree in X3.

Just taking the adamantium out of the question doesn't mean he's automatically going to pwn Magneto. Magneto can attack from a distance and can hurl large metal objects. Wolverine still has to run up and stab him..
In the comics Wolverine has landed some pretty nasty blows on Magneto with his Adamantium claws. The reasons we never saw this in the movie is because:

1) There needed to have been a real team battle; Where Magneto was distracted by the other X-Men and Wolverine can get in close.

2) There needed to have been a legit Magneto battle period. The closest we got was X3 which was just Magneto lobbing cars while Pyro Ignited them.

3) Wolverine in the films has no agility. In the comics Wolverine is quick and can leap high and far. In the films he has the agility of an average man. Probably the most impressive scenes were when he leaped off the balcony in X2 and when he jump down from the tree in X3.

Just taking the adamantium out of the question doesn't mean he's automatically going to pwn Magneto. Magneto can attack from a distance and can hurl large metal objects. Wolverine still has to run up and stab him..

That Forest scene is an example of where a metal free Wolverine would totally have 'pwn'd' Magneto. Not much in the way of heavy metallic objects to lob at him out in the woods.

Agreed though that in a 'normal' battle environment (a city for example) he can easily use other metallic objects as projectiles/weapons against Logan, but only if he sees him coming (Wolverine can be sneaky). However when the guys bones are literally covered in metal Magneto can 'smell' him coming a mile off.
On the flip side, it would be fun to see Wolvie actually be able to pose a bit of a threat against Magneto for once. So I wouldn't mind that either.
Even though I've never really liked the bone claw concept...this point intrigues me.

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