"Alias" remake......no seriously

Gold Samurai

Oct 21, 2005
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ABC is reportedly in talks about producing a remake of Alias.

According to E! Online, the network is in very early discussions about making a new version of the spy drama.

The original series, which aired from 2001 to 2006, was created by J.J. Abrams and starred Jennifer Garner as a double agent.

A source claimed that the remake would use some parts of the original series but would avoid mythology-based storylines such as the Rambaldi plot.

Wow. Why not remake "LOST" next ABC?
Alias: The High School Years. Coming to ABC Family fall 2011.

Synopsis: Isabelle and her brother Jack just lost their parents to a car accident. After being placed in a foster home Isabelle learns that her parents were actually retired spies and killed by an evil organization bent on finding her and her brother. Now Isabelle has to start training for a battle only she can fight, but first she has one major and harrowing obstacle... High School! Boys, acne, and spies are just the beginning in this dramedy of epic proportions. Starring Miranda Cosgrove as Isabelle. Directed and produced by Jason Preistley.
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Why are we remaking fairly recent shows that had a pretty long run?! If anything, lets remake the cancelled shows that never got a chance to grow (Tru Calling please).
Seriously, and I loved Alias, but I wouldn't see the point in remaking it, especially now. I'm on board the new Nikita 'cause from a series standpoint, it's a logical following up on of the original film. Whereas the USA series pretty much hinged on the idea that she stayed in Section for a long period of time.
Ok, so they are going to remake the series...but leave out the parts of the series that made it great and unique.

ABC...you suck.
Ok, so they are going to remake the series...but leave out the parts of the series that made it great and unique.

ABC...you suck.

I actually felt the Rambaldi stuff really start to drag the series down, mostly though because it was forced into the series where it really didn't work. The show really lost it's way towards the end, too many villians became "heroes" then everyone was shocked (in the show, not the audience) when they went back to being villians. I actually thought a series using Rachel Nichols character could've worked though.
This reads like a bad joke. Dammit, ABC!
Agreed, I love Alias, but the Rambaldi stuff much of the time just didn't make sense. The show was at its best when it did the hardcore spy stuff, and sort of went off rails during the real heavy mythology plots.
J.J. Abram's has a spy show on NBC.


CW has "Nikita"

What does ABC have? A potential remake of "Alias"
NO. Don't do this ABC. I've not seen the entire show, I've only gotten half way into the first season, but there is no way they can replace the awesome cast and storylines of that show or try to even attempt to remake it.
Remaking Alias? :doh: I can somewhat understand remaking or rebooting old shows like Hawaii Five-O and Knight Rider, but remaking a fairly-recent show that had a good run and wanting to take out one of its most important plots in the reboot gives us a perception that the top honchos at ABC don't know what the heck they are doing. If they really want to remake old shows, there are plenty of good candidates out there. I doubt JJ Abrams is pleased to know that one of his signature shows is being considered for a remake without his consent.
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ABC Exec: "Crap, Lost is off the air. What should we do for ratings?"
Idiot: "Let's make one of our recent ratings winners all over again. You know, like Alias."
ABC Exec: "You... want to remake a show that's only been off the air 4 years?"
Idiot: "It's either that or we un-cancel Freddie."
I loved Alias, the first 2 seasons in particular were brilliant, but I felt the Rimbaldi stuff started to become a millstone around the shows neck as time went on,, a remake this soon is a stupid idea though.
Alias: The High School Years. Coming to ABC Family fall 2011.

Synopsis: Isabelle and her brother Jack just lost their parents to a car accident. After being placed in a foster home Isabelle learns that her parents were actually retired spies and killed by an evil organization bent on finding her and her brother. Now Isabelle has to start training for a battle only she can fight, but first she has one major and harrowing obstacle... High School! Boys, acne, and spies are just the beginning in this dramedy of epic proportions. Starring Miranda Cosgrove as Isabelle. Directed and produced by Jason Preistley.

hahahaha thats amazing! and wtf ABC i loved ALIAS the first time around... maybe you shouldnt have cancelled it.
I actually felt the Rambaldi stuff really start to drag the series down, mostly though because it was forced into the series where it really didn't work. The show really lost it's way towards the end, too many villians became "heroes" then everyone was shocked (in the show, not the audience) when they went back to being villians. I actually thought a series using Rachel Nichols character could've worked though.

I felt it was what really seperated it from other spy stories. But I never really felt it was forced.
I dont know why they would think about remaking part of Alias. They cant come up with another female based Spie show?

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