And the next Direct to DVD sequel goes to...

bats bats bats, they're gonna getcha, bats bats bats, they're gonna suck you dry!
let's not forget Lake Placid 2 coming in a couple weeks
You guys gotta remember, these direct to DVD movies, and other sequels you all deem to be 'wtf', are good starting places for directors working their way up.

If not for Piranha 2: The Spawning, we might not have gotten The Terminator.
You guys gotta remember, these direct to DVD movies, and other sequels you all deem to be 'wtf', are good starting places for directors working their way up.

If not for Piranha 2: The Spawning, we might not have gotten The Terminator.
Piranha II wasn't a DTV movie...
Oh yes, "and other sequels". Sorry my bad.
Was he that much of a draw for the first one?!?:whatever:

Seriously lol.

The only three movies he was alright in were La Bamba, Stand and Deliver and Young Guns.
There was a STV American Psycho 2. No, seriously.

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