Animatrix 2?

Sentinel X

optical illusion
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
I really really really loved the Animatrix.They were composed of nine amazing stories using the best animation around to tell them....It was waaayyy better than the matrix reloaded imho :o .
Does anyone think WB should release anothe animatrix DVD?
I'd watch another one. I would like to see Zion have a funerl for Neo and Trinity.
I'm fully in support of once again giving amazing animator/auters a chance to create kickass animated shorts that will end up in my DVD library. :o
Animatrix sucked. It sucked for one simple reason.

The W brothers wrote (most) of the episodes.

They had a chance to let some truly unique visions to be created out of their universe (which by the way was exactly how they marketed the series). Pitty we got a bunch of bland, 'west friendly' Japanese animation.

They forgot one very important side to Anime... Story.

Still... I liked 'Detective Story' and 'Beyond'...

BRing on a second one I guess... I can always do with more animated short films :up:
Why shouldn't the Wachowskis have wrote the stories? It's the universe they created! (please, let's not got into another, "the Wachowskis copied this person or that person" argument). And for what it's worth, I think the animators they went with were just fine, and all added to the material. Yeah, the Wachowskis wrote many of the episodes, but that doesn't mean the directors didn't have input on how that story was presented. Especially in the case of World Record, in my opinion. And Second Renaissance 1 & 2 were just phenomenal.
Mentok said:
Animatrix sucked. It sucked for one simple reason.

The W brothers wrote (most) of the episodes.

They had a chance to let some truly unique visions to be created out of their universe (which by the way was exactly how they marketed the series). Pitty we got a bunch of bland, 'west friendly' Japanese animation.

They forgot one very important side to Anime... Story.

Still... I liked 'Detective Story' and 'Beyond'...

BRing on a second one I guess... I can always do with more animated short films :up:
The only bad stories in animatrix was the robot in lala land and the one with the cats and kids.Other than that the stories were great :up: ...the W bros shouldve never done the matrix reloaded but they did superb with animatrix :up:

Flight of Osiris was the best!!! :eek:
animatrix ruled....the wachowskies kick ass!
KenK said:
Why shouldn't the Wachowskis have wrote the stories? It's the universe they created! (please, let's not got into another, "the Wachowskis copied this person or that person" argument). And for what it's worth, I think the animators they went with were just fine, and all added to the material. Yeah, the Wachowskis wrote many of the episodes, but that doesn't mean the directors didn't have input on how that story was presented. Especially in the case of World Record, in my opinion. And Second Renaissance 1 & 2 were just phenomenal.
Just because they created the universe doesn't make them the only persons who can write stories within that universe. They should've given creative licenses to other authors to come up with different takes. The Brothers could've set out the parameters so that the stories won't get out of hand, but leave the writing to someone else.

Not saying that the Wachowski's are terrible writers, but a different take could prove to be rather refreshing.
KenK said:
Why shouldn't the Wachowskis have wrote the stories? It's the universe they created! (please, let's not got into another, "the Wachowskis copied this person or that person" argument). And for what it's worth, I think the animators they went with were just fine, and all added to the material. Yeah, the Wachowskis wrote many of the episodes, but that doesn't mean the directors didn't have input on how that story was presented. Especially in the case of World Record, in my opinion. And Second Renaissance 1 & 2 were just phenomenal.

Because it was set up as 'Japans most unique writers and directors expanding the Matrix Universe.'

Not really. And it was a pitty.
Well as a matrix fan i am obliged to reply here.

First of all , the wachowski's only wrote 4 stories.
Second Renaissance 1 & 2 , Final FLight Of the Osiris and Kid's Story.

All other stories were written by the directors with the wachowski's approval of the story.
That is perfectly normal , because expanding a certain universe means that directors are given their freedom but they still have to stay within the realms of that universe.

I mean you don't see Mace Windu cursing everyone with the MF word in clone wars now do you.

Besides apart from the stories written by the wachowskies , they let all the directors have their creative freedom.
Why else would the design of the agents be changed in World Record ?

For the record , the worst story in the animatrix world for me Kid's Story.
The animation sucked balls and the fact that there is no expansion of the Kid in Reloaded and Revolutions ( yes i do think he's an absolute worthless character ) .

Anyway i do think that an animatrix 2 should happen. There is so much to tell and expand.
I mean each person has his or her ideas , but for me at least i would like to see the following stories from the wachowski brothers :

1 Backstory of the merovingian and persephone and seraph.
Or better yet , the arrival of the first "big programs" inside the matrix world such as the oracle and the architect and of course seraph and their stories.

2 The first matrix aka the matrix of eden as the architect had originally designed it to be , with all the flaws happening.

3 The emergence of the first anomaly.
It would be cool to see how the first "one" created havoc inside the matrix. At least you're not restriced with budgets etc. Anime freedom , with a man really flying and cars flipping over.......ahhhhhh that would be cool indeed :D

4 Trinity's story and how morpheus found neo. That would've been really cool , to see the story of morpheus and how it ends with the beginning of M1
matrix_ghost said:
Well as a matrix fan i am obliged to reply here.

Not biased at all then? :D

First of all , the wachowski's only wrote 4 stories.
Second Renaissance 1 & 2 , Final FLight Of the Osiris and Kid's Story.

All other stories were written by the directors with the wachowski's approval of the story.[/quote]

I know they wrote 4 of them. The main problem with the others was, rather than giving the other creative teams a startng off point within the universe they told them what they wanted.

This ruined any real creative process.

That is perfectly normal , because expanding a certain universe means that directors are given their freedom but they still have to stay within the realms of that universe.

The whole point to the exercise was giving the writers and directors freedom to expand the Matrix universe, a universe that is already made up from Japanese ideas....

They didnt get that. They were told what to do... This is something that the japanese writers complained about.

Bring on a second series though... Although this time really give us 'An inside in to the Matrix universe from the most unique film makers in Japan'.
Sentinel X said:
I really really really loved the Animatrix.They were composed of nine amazing stories using the best animation around to tell them....It was waaayyy better than the matrix reloaded imho :o .
Does anyone think WB should release anothe animatrix DVD?

I think my brother and I were the only ones that did this, and I'm glad we did...we saw Animatrix at the cinemas :eek:

Really great experience. I didn't like Matriculated though. It's weird and the animation is tripping, but yes, I loved it, my fave being the samurai one...I haven't watched the dvd in can tell.
Ultimate Movie-Man said:
I think my brother and I were the only ones that did this, and I'm glad we did...we saw Animatrix at the cinemas :eek:

Really great experience. I didn't like Matriculated though. It's weird and the animation is tripping, but yes, I loved it, my fave being the samurai one...I haven't watched the dvd in can tell.

They didnt show them in the cinema here :down

Just 'Final Flight of the Osiris' before Matrix Reloaded.
Well it was the weekend before the matrix Reloaded opened (i think) and it had very limited showings, I think four over the whole weekend.

It was great though!
Mentok said:
1. They didnt show them in the cinema here :down

2. Just 'Final Flight of the Osiris' before Matrix Reloaded.

1. Dude, we live in the same country lol
2. I never saw Final Flight of the Osiris before Matrix Reloaded...and I saw MR twice! :confused:
Hmmm... Might go watch a few of them now... ;)
Ultimate Movie-Man said:
1. Dude, we live in the same country lol
2. I never saw Final Flight of the Osiris before Matrix Reloaded...and I saw MR twice! :confused:

We do? Lets hang out and talk about people behind their backs :up:

I saw it a few weeks before Reloaded came out... Cant remember what the film was though and they had it instead of trailers before Reloaded.
If I remember correctly it was before Dreamcatcher. I wanted to see it just because it mentioned The Matrix and my dad wouldn't let me because Dreamcatcher would have scared the **** out of me lol.

I'm up for talking about people behind their backs. I also like talking behind their earlobe :up:
Mentok said:
Not biased at all then? :D

All other stories were written by the directors with the wachowski's approval of the story.

I know they wrote 4 of them. The main problem with the others was, rather than giving the other creative teams a startng off point within the universe they told them what they wanted.

This ruined any real creative process.

The whole point to the exercise was giving the writers and directors freedom to expand the Matrix universe, a universe that is already made up from Japanese ideas....

They didnt get that. They were told what to do... This is something that the japanese writers complained about.

Bring on a second series though... Although this time really give us 'An inside in to the Matrix universe from the most unique film makers in Japan'.[/QUOTE]

It depends on how you see a biased person.
If you're talking about someone who'll defend the matrix movies and not see a single flaw , then no i ain't biased.
I hate the kid and i hate the zion rave despite the fact that i understand why the rave is there and what it symbolises.
I don't think all of mankind is going on a rave-orgie if you know that 3 days from now you might as well be dead.I do think that there are flaws in the movies , but overall they still are far superior then most movies out there.

ON the other hand , if you're talking about me defending these movies when some idiot makes idiotic claims ( as seen more then often on the hype) such as Smallville having better VFX then Matrix Revolutions , then yes i am biased.
Giving criticism is one thing , saying that something sucks just for the sake of "being cool" or making absurd claims is another.

Anyway , yes the matrix universe is made from japanese ideas , but also from other ideas such as hinduism , buddhism , christinanity etc etc.
The list is goes on.

My point here is that the whole idea is to expand the universe WITHIN the boundaries that the universe exist.
True , the writers did complain. But then again , i think all writers do complain when their script is being rewritten or rejected by a director .
All projects are under direct supervision of a person. Otherwise everybody would come with ideas , which would conflict and not follow the vision of a director.
Imagine if VFX animators didn't do what the directors want and just do their own stuff.
You know as well as i do that that doesn't work.

And just how exactly aren't the writers/directors of the animatrix given creative freedom ?

Look at SR 1 & 2. Apart from the original ROBOT design everything else is created by the Mahiro Maeda.

Look at World Record. Stylised agents wearing coats.

Detective story looks like a matrix set in the '50s with those old cars and the design of the city.

Some stories of the animatrix were rejected at the time because the ideas would seem to similar to the ending of Reloaded and/or Revolutions.
We can learn how other characters came out of the Matrix, the after math of revolutions and the future of Zion! :D

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