Anyone have a spare Empire "Joker" issue to sell me?


Feb 19, 2007
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i saw this magazine once at the mall and never again. ive looked everywhere for it and never saw it again. if anyone has a spare issue or has seen it in there area, would anyone mind helping me get one? i so wanted to get it but didnt have the cash at the time. i could pay with a money order, but if anyone can help out a fellow hyper, that would be much appreciated.
i saw this magazine once at the mall and never again. ive looked everywhere for it and never saw it again. if anyone has a spare issue or has seen it in there area, would anyone mind helping me get one? i so wanted to get it but didnt have the cash at the time. i could pay with a money order, but if anyone can help out a fellow hyper, that would be much appreciated.

Have you tried Ebay, i saw one on there.
yeah but they are charging like 25 dollars for a 5 dollar mag. im not THAT crazy, lol.
yeah but they are charging like 25 dollars for a 5 dollar mag. im not THAT crazy, lol.

Yeah i noticed that, pretty sick trying to cash in on someones death.

Have you asked around at newsagents in your area? they may have some unsold in the back. Or contacted Empire directly?

What part of the magazine do you want (a certain article or the whole issue) as someone may be able to scan it for you.
well i actually wanted to own it because i thought the cover looked awsome. but yeah ive asked 2 Borders, my local newstand, and so on. noone had it, and i dont think walmart carries Empire magazine, do they?
well i actually wanted to own it because i thought the cover looked awsome. but yeah ive asked 2 Borders, my local newstand, and so on. noone had it, and i dont think walmart carries Empire magazine, do they?

i'm not sure i'm in the UK and the joker cover magazine went off the stands 2 weeks ago. it's a 'review of 2008 movies' issue now.

If i do manage to spot one though and i have any spare cash on me (my local forbidden planet usually has some left) i'll get it for you, if you'll just pay the postage and cover price, sound ok?
If you want something bad enough, you'll pay for it.
not 25-30 dollars though. thats why i came here to see if anyone has a spare that will sell it for retail value, not scalper prices.
The new Australian issue of EMPIRE (March 2008) has just hit the streets here, featuring the Heath Ledger/DARK KNIGHT cover's pretty much the same article as the UK issue, but has a notice on the cover saying:


There is also an editorial about Heath, and the article itself has a new introduction which read:

'Just moments before Empire went to print, Heath Ledger was tragically found dead in his New York apaprtment. Here, in one of his final on-set interviews, Ledger, along with THE DARK KNIGHT co-stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine and director Christopher Nolan, talks about his terrifying performance as The Joker that will, for better or worse, come to define his career.'
My Borders surprisingly still had two last issues on display so I nabbed one for 10 bucks. Not mint condition but hey, I'm lucky I was able to come across one. But if yo go to EMPIRE's website, you can order back issues.
yeah but you have to sign up for a subscription first, and i dont want to do that.
Oh yeah, actually there was. Tim and Johnny Depp about Sweeney Todd.

My sarcastic joke still stands though.

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