Audrey Hepburn in new Chocolate Commercial

Nothing can be as bad as that uncanny valley, hip-hop obsessed, automatron Orville Redenbacher ad from a few years ago.

EDIT: I watched the Hepburn ad. It's not quite as bad as zombie MP3 playing Redenbacher, but it's pretty damn cheesy and not at all realistic. She looks like a videogame cut-scene. Technology still has a way to go before it can resurrect the dead.
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I thought it looked pretty cool. Is there some background on how they've done this?

EDIT: Ok i see it says so in the link. Pretty impressive I have to say with the CGI.
Very did they NEED Audrey Hepburn to endorse that chocolate?
Anything they can do to bring Audrey Hepburn back is fine by me.
We all knew Hepburn was into the chocolate.
Very did they NEED Audrey Hepburn to endorse that chocolate?

Because it got everyone, even people on the SUPERHEROHYPE, talking about it. That's what advertisements are meant to do.
You know it's CG obviously going in, but someone seeing that commercial just out the blue are gonna look at it and be like, "how...wha....?" I would say the skin is way too perfect, but in most shots of Hepburn she rarely had any blatant blemishes.
this is what James Cameron was talking in 2009 when promoting Avatar. that they could use WETA's(its now adopted all over the world) technology to bring back old actors for commercials.

what is interesting is that Audrey Hepburn TM is a trademark
That looked pretty darn good to me. I'm incredibly nit picky when it comes to CGI and I can tell you that was a pretty damn good render. Like Terry pointed out Audrey even in real life had that surreal like quality to her as she had some pretty incredible skin.
Haha, that link says they could have gotten someone like Krysten Ritter instead. I probably would have went with Hathaway or Portman if they were looking for the closest impersonation as opposed to CG, but that's nerd talk.
Krysten Ritter would've really worked imo.
I dunno, reminds me of Tron. Clu was totally young Jeff Bridges, but he just I don't really know what brought it out, but I couldn't help but see he wasn't real, even though he was one of the best CGI faces I've ever seen. The same applies here, although the CGI is a bit more noticable.
When they do a CG version of someone we've actually seen in real life it's never gonna look right. Fictional characters are always the more impressive ones. Remember that CG JFK in Dark of the Moon?
When they do a CG version of someone we've actually seen in real life it's never gonna look right. Fictional characters are always the more impressive ones. Remember that CG JFK in Dark of the Moon?
It helps people spot a fake when they know the person has been dead for twenty some years too. Usually a good clue.
Did anyone see the Lady Dior commercial with the CG Marilyn Monroe?
I'm not sure if it's disrespectful or not. I'm open to be convinced either way.

The potential for this technology is interesting though. In theory something like this could be used to say, do a new film starring Humphrey Bogart or show flashbacks of an older actor when they were younger. There's been a lot of talk recently about who could play a young Han Solo, with this technology it could very well be Harrison Ford.

Maybe that sort of thing wouldn't play out right now, but in another few years once more advancements have been made, who knows?
They were trying hard with that Final Fantasy movie from '01, and to this day they still can't nail it.
She looks pretty damn good....almost real...but there's just something vaguely "off".

Pretty damn close to perfect though. Impressive technically, though I find something slightly distasteful about stuff like this.
I'm not sure if it's disrespectful or not. I'm open to be convinced either way.

The potential for this technology is interesting though. In theory something like this could be used to say, do a new film starring Humphrey Bogart or show flashbacks of an older actor when they were younger. There's been a lot of talk recently about who could play a young Han Solo, with this technology it could very well be Harrison Ford.

Maybe that sort of thing wouldn't play out right now, but in another few years once more advancements have been made, who knows?
I've been wondering this myself. After all, Arnold has returned as Terminator already, albeit briefly.
Because it got everyone, even people on the SUPERHEROHYPE, talking about it. That's what advertisements are meant to do.

Except we're not talking about the product. I don't even remember the brand of chocolate it's for. If might as well be an advertisement for CG dead celebrities. In this case it's distracting and taking away from the product they're advertising.
Can't say I care for this, using the likeness of a person who has passed on to sell your product. I suppose the family signed off on it, I don't know, but I find it a disrespectful thing to do regardless for reasons that should be obvious.

Having said that,


I'm not sure if it's disrespectful or not. I'm open to be convinced either way.

The potential for this technology is interesting though. In theory something like this could be used to say, do a new film starring Humphrey Bogart or show flashbacks of an older actor when they were younger. There's been a lot of talk recently about who could play a young Han Solo, with this technology it could very well be Harrison Ford.

Maybe that sort of thing wouldn't play out right now, but in another few years once more advancements have been made, who knows?

I didn't see the movie, but I believe that was done to some extent with Jeff Bridges in the Tron film that came just out a couple years ago.

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