Average Homeboy Video


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Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score

Average Homeboy

Still better than Popo Zao.

This is why there's the internet.

Embarassment a decade later.
Mother ****ers, i just posted this video a few pages back.
Why is it whenever i create a thread i barely get any replies?
Search doesn't work Hades. I started to cut some people some slack.
Hades said:
Mother ****ers, i just posted this video a few pages back.
Why is it whenever i create a thread i barely get any replies?
Awww... would you like a hug?:(
Erzengel said:
Search doesn't work Hades. I started to cut some people some slack.
I'm not really angry, i'm just eh. Don't take it personaly, i'm just moody.
I also haven't slept/eaten in an extremely long time.
Hades said:
I'm not really angry, i'm just eh. Don't take it personaly, i'm just moody.
I also haven't slept/eaten in an extremely long time.
You too?I haven't slept in three days,and haven't eaten since yesterday.It's happening more and more often.
Great, now i feel like a whiney *****ebag.
My vengeance said:
You too?I haven't slept in three days,and haven't eaten since yesterday.It's happening more and more often.
Ha, i know this other guy like that.
Maybe we should start a club or something.
Hades said:
Ha, i know this other guy like that.
Maybe we should start a club or something.
The no eat no sleep club.Already exists.Instead of trying to solve the problem,you basically just boast that you can do it,while other people can't.

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