"I just love that title," Bale told FilmFocus, "You know, nothing's written in stone yet, but I like, very much, that it doesn't have 'Batman' written in the title. This take on Batman of mine and Chris' is very different from any of the others and everything else always had Batman in the title. I think this is kind-of distancing it even further and saying, 'Hey, this is a whole different creature from what has come before.'"
Much as Ledger is a wildly different choice for the Joker; in Tim Burton's 1989 version the role went to The Smile himself, Jack Nicholson. "Absolutely," Bale told us, "Heath is very much into what Chris had done with the first one and he's very passionate about the role. And he's a really good actor so we're going to see something very special from him."
And what of the status of the project at the moment? Can Bale drop any hints? "You know what, you're going to get people coming out and shooting you in the head any second if you keep asking anymore Batman questions," Bale joked. Or, at least, we hope he did. "I'm learning about it right now; Chris and I have only just finished working on The Prestige together and I have another project before we start on Batman. I know I'm in very good hands and Chris is keeping me informed about what's going on. But more than that and I'll be whisked away in a loony van, you know, off to Arkham Asylum!"